The Faculty of Engineering

This page is updated for the academic year 2023-2024.
Information for the academic year 2024-2025 will be updated in the coming days.


Master's Degree 


Two tracks are available: 

Track A –”Thesis Track” includes graduate courses, research and thesis submission 
Track B ” Non Thesis track”- includes graduate courses without writing a thesis with the possibility to do a small research project.  

Electrical engineering program (MSc) 

 Areas of specialization: 
  1. Electro-optics 
  1. Bioengineering 
  1. Computer engineering 
  1. Nanoelectronics 
  1. Nano- tecnology 

The program has a specialization in information processing and data science (MSc) 
This  specialization is based on the data centers that have opened in recent years in the Faculty of Engineering, in the areas of signal processing, machine learning, communications and bioinformatics.   

Admission criteria 

The Faculty of Engineering seeks to admit to the master’s degree program applicants who have completed their bachelor's degree with honors, giving priority to applicants for the research-based Track A. 

Holders of a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering or computer engineering with a minimum grade point average of 85 from a recognized academic institution may apply. Also Applicants who completed a bachelor’s degree in other engineering fields, exact sciences or life sciences with a minimum grade point average of 85 must complete background courses, determined by the Faculty of Engineering committee for graduate degrees in accordance with the desired area of specialization. These background courses do not contribute credits toward the master’s degree.   

Direct master’s degree track 

bachelor's degree honors students may join the direct track to the master’s degree – intended for honor students in their fourth year of electrical engineering or computer engineering who wish to enter the research-based Track A only. Students who have completed all required undergraduate courses in electrical/computer engineering in their first three years with a minimum average of 90, may submit their application for the direct track to the Faculty of Engineering committee for graduate degrees during the spring semester of their third academic year. Students admitted to the direct track by the School of Graduate Studies are required to complete all bachelor's and master’s degree requirements within five years. 

Admission criteria for Track A and Track B are identical. The direct track is not available for Track B. 

The committee for graduate studies of the Faculty of Engineering reserves the right to consider those applicants that it views as having the highest chances for success in the program and to recommend them to the School of Graduate Studies. 

The final decision on admission of an applicant to the master’s degree program (all tracks) is under the authority of the School of Graduate Studies. 

The decision on admission of an applicant to the master’s degree program is valid for the year of admission only. 

Credit and seminar requirements 

Track A – Thesis track 

Accumulation of at least 14 AC (annual-based credits) (28 SC – semester-based credits) [15 AC (30 SC) for the data processing and data science specializations], per program requirements. All courses must be completed with a passing grade (65), and with an overall average grade of 75.    

Participation in departmental colloquium is mandatory [contributes 1 AC toward the required 14/15 AC]. 

Further details are available in the introductory chapter of this bulletin. 

Requirements for degree in the direct program – including thesis: 

Accumulation of at least 12 AC (24 SC) [13 AC (26 SC) for the data processing and data science specializations], per program requirements. All courses must be completed with a passing grade (65), and with an overall average grade of 75. 

Participation in departmental colloquium is mandatory [contributes 1 AC toward the required 12/13 AC]. 

Further details are available in the introductory chapter of this bulletin. 

Track B – non-thesis track 

Accumulation of at least 22 AC (44 SC) [23 AC (46 SC) for the data processing and data science specializations], per program requirements. All courses must be completed with a passing grade (65), and with an overall average grade of 75. 

Participation in departmental colloquium is mandatory [contributes 1 ACtoward the required 22/23 AC ]. 

An optional final project, accounting for 4 AC (8 SC) toward the required 22/23 AC (44/46 SC). 

Further details are available in the introductory chapter of this bulletin. 

All students, in any track, will be appointed a temporary or permanent academic advisor from the time they are admitted to the program. students in the non-thesis track- the head of the research Tark or someone on his behalf will be appointed as an advisorStudents in a thesis track must choose a permanent advisor no later than the end of their first semester (students who want to get a scholarship in track A  must find an advisor at the beginning of their studies).   Students in a non-thesis track that are interested in undertaking a final project must find a thesis advisor no later than the end of their first year. Curriculum approval is conditional upon student achievements and advisor agreement. 

Electrical engineering program 

Required courses 

 Required courses include the following: 

  1. Mathematics courses. 
  1. Core courses in engineering. 
Elective courses 

Elective courses include the following: 
Courses in the area of specialization out of a list of courses as specified in the program curriculum. 
Student in a research track may register for the Guided Reading course with approval of the advisor.  This course is not open for students in the non-research track. 

Students may take up to two courses in another department at Bar-Ilan provided that these are approved by the advisor and the chair of the Faculty of Engineering committee for graduate studies, and that they are listed as graduate-level courses in the university listings. 

Data processing and data science program 

The curriculum is divided into six levels: 

 1. Mandatory Courses 

2. Basic courses  

3. Core courses 

4. Foundation Courses  

4. Content courses  

5. Seminars 

Student in a research track may register for the Guided Reading course with approval of the advisor. This course is not open for students in the non-research track. 

Students may take up to two courses in another department at Bar-Ilan that are not part of the curriculum in their area, as detailed in this bulletin, provided that they are approved by the advisor and the chair of the Faculty of Engineering committee for graduate studies, and that they are listed as graduate-level courses in the university listings. 

Submission of research proposal 

Research proposals should be submitted by the end of the fall semester of the second year of study. 

Program duration 

Program duration for the master’s degree is two years. Students who do not complete their degree in said period must request an extension, to be reviewed by the Faculty of Engineering committee for graduate degrees and by the School of Graduate Studies, who are authorized to approve/deny the request. 

Language proficiency 

English at the master’s degree level (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter). 

Thesis guidelines 

See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter. 

Final exam for the master’s degree 

In Track A – the final exam is based on the thesis and its underlying bibliography. 
In Track B –  in case of a final project there will be final exam based on that project.  

See the Faculty of Engineering Rules and Regulations for exam policy and requirements. 

Jewish studies 

As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter). 


Research proposals are to be submitted by the end of the first year of study 

and no later than the end of the fall semester of the second year. 



For admission criteria, study tracks and policy – see the introductory chapter. 

Knowledge areas 

The Faculty of Engineering offers research in the following knowledge areas: 
Electro-optics, bioengineering, computer engineering, nanoelectronics, data processing and data science, and communications. 

Below are samples of research areas in the Faculty of Engineering: 


Super-resolution and imaging systems, optical microscopy and fluorescence, biomedical imaging, temporal and spatial occlusion, non-linear optics, nanophotonics, plasmonic devices and electro-optic devices, optical devices in silicon, optical communication, fiber devices, sensing with fiber optics, microwave photonics and atmospheric optics. 


Advanced diagnostic systems, rehabilitative medicine, drug delivery systems, cancer research, biophotonics and medical imaging, analysis of complex biological systems, biological signal processing, bioinformatics, engineering and nanotechnology for biological and medical use, the brain-machine interface, implant development, advanced microscopy development, systems and computational immunology, genomics and biotechnology, tissue engineering. 

Computer engineering 

Fault tolerant systems, coding for computer systems, interactive system coding, hardware system design, reliability and security, cryptography and secure computation, spectral logic design approaches, formal verification of reactive systems, temporal logic, optimization of VLSI circuits and systems, low-power VLSI systems, computational biology, computer graphics, digital processing of geometry, algorithms for timing and research allocation problems, approximation algorithms, online algorithms, Computer hardware architecture, domain-specific hardware acceleration. 


Design, production and specification of nanoelectronic devices, circuits and VLSI systems, advanced detection imaging, spatial devices and systems, design and specification of memory, reliable hardware design, reliability in VLSI systems, design of integrated analog and digital circuits, analog sensors and interfaces, analog circuits for energy management and transmission, analog and digital circuits for secure hardware, hardware systems for artificial intelligence, open-source hardware architectures, algorithms and optimization of integrated circuits. 

Data processing and data science 

Statistical signal processing and random processes, theory and methods for signal processing, adaptive signal processing, communication signal processing, radio signal processing, radar signal processing, image processing, acoustic signal processing, voice signal processing, biological signal processing, sensory systems, sensory networks, social networks, machine learning, computer vision, deep learning, signal processing on graphs, signal processing on manifolds, game theory, bioinformatics. 

The program includes relevant courses and a dissertation individually designed for each candidate  

Research areas of academic faculty members may be found on the The Faculty of Engineering website. 


For further details 
contact the department by phone at 03-7384634 or via email, 

or visit the Faculty of Engineering website, 

or Find us on Facebook 

The Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University 



Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025