The Faculty of Education

This page is updated for the academic year 2023-2024.
Information for the academic year 2024-2025 will be updated in the coming days.


Master's Degree 

Programs and program chairs:      

Master’s degree committee chair – Dr. Sigal Eden 

  1. Educational counseling – Dr. Einat Levy-Gigi 
  1. Special needs education – Dr. Sigal Eden 
  1. Special needs education – autism – Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely 
  1. Special needs education – intellectual disabilities – Prof. Hefziba Lifshitz 
  1. Learning disabilities – Prof. Rachel Schiff 
  1. Educational leadership and management – Prof. Orly Shapira 
  1. Informal educational management and development – Prof. Zehavit Gross 
  1. Child development – Prof. Esther Adi-Japha 
  1. Technological-scientific education – Prof. Michal Zion 
  1. Curriculum and pedagogy – Dr. Tova Michalsky 
  1. Neuroeducation – Prof. Nira Mashal 

Structure and names of programs are subject to change – visit the Faculty of Education website for up-to-date information. 


Two tracks are available: 

  • Track A – research-based track – includes research and thesis submission. Students completing Track A with a minimum grade average of 88 may apply to the PhD program. 
  • Track B – applied track – not research-based. Students completing this track may not apply directly to the PhD program; students who wish to apply for PhD work must first complete a master’s thesis. 

Admission requirements 

  • A bachelor's degree from a recognized academic institution. 
  • Two letters of recommendation; at least one of which must come from the academic domain (reference forms may be downloaded from the Faculty of Education website). 
  • Some of the programs require experience in education and teaching (at least 2-3 years). 
  • A passing grade in undergraduate research courses (quantitative and qualitative research). 
  • Further details may be found in the ‘Admission criteria for the different programs’ section and on the Faculty of Education website. 

Space in each of the programs is limited. 

Admission criteria to the different programs: 

  1. Educational leadership and management – candidates with an undergraduate degree in educational administration or other disciplines with educational or managerial experience with a minimum average of 80 may apply. Applicants must be educators and/or teachers and/or commanders engaged in education: teaching / guidance / educational work, aiming to be involved in in education management frameworks in Israel. 

          Non-thesis track – 20AC (annual-based credits) (40SC – semester-based credits) 

          Thesis track – 16AC (32SC) 

  1. Informal educational management and development candidates with a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 80 and a degree in education administration or other disciplines with educational or managerial experience may apply. Experience in the field of informal education is recommended. 

           Non-thesis track – 20 AC (40 SC) 

           Thesis track – 16 AC (32 SC)  

  1. Educational counseling – candidates with a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 87 in educational counseling or a closely related field (such as special education, psychology, behavioral science, social work), and after passing an admission interview and/or other screening exams as to be determined, may apply. 

   Non-thesis track – 28 AC (56 SC) 

   Thesis track – 22 AC (44 SC) 

  1. Special needs education – candidates with a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 85 in special education or a related field (psychology, occupational therapy, speech pathology) and after passing an admission interview, may apply. Candidates in other areas – admission will be considered on the basis of highest honors (minimum average of 88) and on the basis of a personal interview. 

          Non-thesis track – 20 AC (40 SC) 

          Thesis track – 16 AC (32 SC) 

  1. Special needs education – autism – candidates with a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 87 work in the field as special education teachers, counselors or guidance counselors, candidates who hold a bachelor's degree in psychology, occupational therapy, speech pathology, social work, candidates with experience with children with ASD and who have passed an admission interview, may apply. 

   Non-thesis track – 24 AC (48 SC) 

   Thesis track – 20 AC (40 SC) 

  1. Special needs education – intellectual disabilities – candidates with a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 85 in the social sciences: education, psychology, social work, sociology and para-medical professions, and who have passed an admission interview, may apply. Work experience with the intellectually disabled special needs population is an advantage. 

   Non-thesis track – 18 AC (36 SC) 

   Thesis track – 14 AC (28 SC) 

  1. Learning disabilities – candidates with a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 87 in special education or a related field  or candidates from another discipline with a minimum average of 88, and who have passed an admission interview, may apply. 

   Non-thesis track – 32 AC (64 SC) 

   Thesis track – 28 AC (56 SC) 

  1. Child development – candidates who have work experience in early childhood or specialization in the field of education,  with a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 85, preferably in education, psychology, cognitive/intellectual sciences or related disciplines, and who have passed an admission interview, may apply. 

           Non-thesis track – 22 AC (44 SC) 

           Thesis track – 18 AC (36 SC) 

  1. Curriculum and pedagogy – candidates with a teacher’s license and a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 82 and with work experience in the field of education and teaching, may apply. 

   Non-thesis track – 20AC (40SC) 

   Thesis track – 16AC (32SC) 

  1. Technological scientific education – candidates with a bachelor’s of science in life sciences or exact sciences with a minimum grade point average of 76 may apply.  Candidates with a B.Ed. in mathematics, science and technology education or a bachelor’s degree in geography, environmental sciences, health sciences and more, with a minimum average of 80, may also apply. (Candidates with an average of 76-80 will need to complete additional courses). Candidates should have experience in education and teaching. 

   Neuroeducation – candidates with an undergraduate degree that would allow them to take neuroscience courses  
   by approval of the Brain Research Center may apply. 

   Non-thesis track – 22 AC (44 SC) 

   Thesis track – 18 AC (36 SC) 

  1. Neuroeducation – candidates with a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 85 in the social sciences (such as education, special education, psychology, social work), health professions (such as occupational therapy, speech pathology) and brain sciences. Research experience is an advantage. 

           Non-thesis track – 18 AC (36 SC) 

           Thesis track – 14 AC (28 SC) subject to an admission interview.  

Transition from the non-thesis track to the thesis track is possible only by meeting admission criteria and thesis advisor agreement. 

The School of Education does not guarantee admission to all students who meet the admission requirements indicate above. Final screening of candidates is at the discretion of the School of Education.  The final decision on admission of an applicant is under the authority of the School of Graduate Studies. 


Further details on the program, admission criteria and prerequisite course completion 

can be viewed on the Faculty of Education website 


Language proficiency 

English at the master’s degree level. 
Master’s degree students in education must study English unless they obtained an exemption based on screening exam only. No exemption may be granted by the head of the School of Education (for details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter). 

Jewish studies 

As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter). 

Program duration 

Classes are typically held one or two days a week, for a period of four to five semesters. Further details are per the particular program. Details can be found on the information sheet for each program on the Faculty of Education website. 

  • Students must complete their studies (whether research-based Track A or non-research Track B) in two years. The School of Graduate Studies may grant an extension for a third year to students in research tracks when such a case is deemed justified, upon the recommendation of the departmental committee chair and the advisor. 
  • Program duration for the learning disabilities program is five semesters (not including English and basic Jewish studies). 
  • In the learning disabilities program: students who have taken a leave of absence and wish to return after a period exceeding three years will need to repeat their practicum courses.   

Final exam in research track (Track A) 

The exam is based on the thesis and its underlying bibliography.   

Thesis guidelines (for Track A) 

See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter. 

  1. In transitioning between Track A and Track B, the determining curriculum is the one of the track in which the students complete their degree, and based on the year in which they began the degree, determining scope and content of courses. 
  1. Late submission of course and seminar assignment is permitted with reasonable justification, until the end of the subsequent academic year, after the request has been approved by the School of Graduate Studies. 
  1. Master’s degree research courses – all students in both tracks (with and without thesis) are required to take 4 AC (8 SC) of research courses. 
  1. Details on how to submit the research proposal and thesis may be found on the Faculty of Education website.


Research proposals are to be submitted for approval of the Faculty of Education 
by the end of the first year of study 

and for the approval of the School of Graduate Studies 
no later than the end of the fall semester of the second year. 

For further details 

contact the office of the master’s degree in education by phone at 03-5318456 

or by fax at 03-7384123, or via email or visit the Faculty of Education website 



Doctoral studies are aimed at preparing students for independent educational research. 

Guidance may be obtained by renowned researchers in Israel and abroad in a variety of areas: educational leadership and management, special needs education and learning disabilities, integrating advanced technologies in learning, child development, educational guidance and information education. 

Doctoral students are required to participate in at least one scientific conference in Israel (or abroad) and to present their research or a part of it.   

Doctoral studies in education have three tracks: 

  1. Standard track 

Admission criteria 

Candidates with a research-based master’s degree in education, with a minimum average grade of 88 in coursework and a minimum grade of 88 on their thesis may apply. Admission criteria are subject to university policy and Faculty of Education specializations, as well as School of Graduate Studies rules and regulations. 

The departmental committee of the Faculty of Education does not guarantee admission to all applicants even if they meet the minimum requirements. 

Applicant requirements 

  1. To obtain two letters of recommendation testifying to research abilities. 
  1. To prepare a document with declaration of intent for research. 
  1. To pass an admission interview with two instructors in the applicant’s area of research.   


Academic requirements totaling 8 AC (16 SC) 

  1. Elective methodological courses 2 AC (4 SC) 
  1. Semester-long course 1 AC (2 SC) in Methodologies of Research Thinking for PhD students. 

(Participation in this course required in the 1st or 2nd year of doctoral study). 

  1. An additional year-long 2 AC (4 SC) graduate level course (not including workshops), to be determined with the advisor. 
  1. Participation in colloquium for PhD students – 3 AC (6 SC) (77-911, 77-996), per research progress. 
  1. Additional requirements such as English courses and basic Jewish studies – are subject to university PhD policy and the School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations. 
  1. All requirements are subject to university PhD policy and the School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations. 


  1. Combined track 

The combined track is intended for Track A (research-based) master’s degree students who wish to begin their PhD, before they’ve begun their thesis work. 

The departmental committee of the Faculty of Education does not guarantee admission to all applicants even if they meet the minimum requirements. 

Admission criteria: 
  1. A minimum average of 90 for all master’s degree courses. 
  1. Submission of doctoral research proposal by the end of the second year of the master’s degree. 

Admission criteria are subject to university policy and School of Education specializations for the PhD in the combined track, as well as School of Graduate Studies rules and regulations. 

The departmental committee of the School of Education does not guarantee admission to all applicants even if they meet the minimum requirements. 

Applicant requirements 

  1. To obtain two letters of recommendation testifying to research abilities. 
  1. To prepare a document with declaration of intent for research. 
  1. To pass an admission interview with two instructors in the applicant’s area of research.   

Academic requirements totaling 8 AC (16 SC) 

  1. Elective methodological courses 2 AC (4 SC) 
  1. Semester-long course 1 AC (2 SC) in Methodologies of Research Thinking for PhD students. 
    (Participation in this course required in the 1st or 2nd year of doctoral study). 
  1. An additional year-long 2 AC (4 SC) graduate level course (not including workshops), to be determined with the advisor. 
  1. Participation in colloquium for PhD students – 3 AC (6 SC) (77-911, 77-996), per research progress. 
  1. Additional requirements such as English courses and basic Jewish studies – are subject to university PhD policy and the School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations. 
  1. All requirements are subject to university PhD policy and the School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations. 

Please note: Research proposal approval by the School of Graduate Studies provides eligibility for the master’s degree. 

  1. Track for completion of PhD prerequisites 

Two groups of students must complete missing courses for the PhD: 

  1. Students with a thesis-based master’s degree in a field outside the education domain. 
  1. Students with a non-research master’s degree, admitted to the track with thesis-equivalent work. 
Admission criteria for students on the prerequisite completion track who hold a thesis-based master’s degree 

Candidates with a research-based master’s degree, with a minimum average grade of 88 in coursework and a minimum grade of 88 on their thesis may apply for the PhD program. Admission criteria are subject to university policy and School of Education specializations for the PhD, as well as School of Graduate Studies rules and regulations. 

The departmental committee of the School of Education does not guarantee admission to all applicants even if they meet the minimum requirements. 

Applicant requirements 
  1. To obtain two letters of recommendation testifying to research abilities. 
  1. To prepare a document with declaration of intent for research. 
  1. To pass an admission interview with two instructors in the applicant’s area of research.   


Academic requirements 

In a single year of course completion, students must take 6-8 AC (12-16 SC) credits of courses, as per recommendation of the advisor and the departmental committee chair. These should include at least one seminar as well as statistics and research methods. 

At the end of the year of course completion with a minimum average of 88 in all such courses, the departmental committee will recommend to the School of Graduate Studies to admit the student to the PhD program in education as a student without official enrollment status. When admitted, student academic requirements are the same as in the standard PhD track. 

The School of Graduate Studies Committee must approve transitioning of the student from the course completion track to the standard track, and their admission to the PhD program. All requirements are subject to university-wide regulations for PhD studies. 

Admission criteria for students on the prerequisite completion track who hold a non-research master’s degree in education 

Candidates who hold a non-research master’s degree in education with a minimum average of 95 may apply to the completion track for thesis-equivalent work as part of the PhD. 

The departmental committee of the School of Education does not guarantee admission to all applicants even if they meet the minimum requirements. 


Applicant requirements 
  1. To obtain two letters of recommendation testifying to research abilities. 
  1. To prepare a document with declaration of intent for research. 
  1. To pass an admission interview with two instructors in the applicant’s area of research.   
Academic requirements 
  1. Students are admitted on the completion track toward the PhD. Course completion spans two years. 
  1. In that year students must submit a master’s thesis-equivalent work, which may be related to their doctoral research. 
  1. Students are to be tested orally on their work and it will be reviewed by two experts from the School of Education; based on their recommendations, the PhD committee of the School of Education will make their decision on admission. 
  1. When students are admitted to the PhD program, their academic requirements are the same as in the standard PhD track.  The School of Graduate Studies Committee must approve transitioning a student from the background course completion track to the standard track, and has the authority to deny admission to the PhD program. 
  1. All requirements are subject to university PhD policy and School of Graduate Studies rules and regulations. 


For further information and application details, 

contact the committee coordinator by phone at 03-5317650 or via email at 

Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Education (Building 905, Room 303)  




Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025