Reporting research progress
Once a year students must report on their research progress to the departmental committee.
The report is to be submitted as follows:
A. The report must be printed on a single page, with the clauses specified below.
In special cases the report shall include issues encountered by the student.
B. The report shall include the following clauses:
1) Name, ID number, department, research topic, date admitted to the program, date of research proposal approval, report date.
2) Chapter headings or dissertation stages as specified in the research proposal, with an indication of sections that have already been completed in previous years.
3) Concise specification of the work accomplished in the year of the report.
4) Beginning with the third year – specification of expected date of completion.
5) Student signature.
6) Advisor comments and signature.
C. If necessary, issues incurring research delays should be indicated on a separate page, such as: lack of needed equipment, delay in obtaining photos, failed experiments, administrative or budgetary delays, personal or family issues, etc. The additional page must also be signed by both student and advisor.
D. No other topics are to be included in the report, such as: suggestions for research program changes, advisory changes, leave of absence. Such matters require advisor approval and must be addressed with the departmental committee chair, who is to submit a recommendation to the School of Graduate Studies for further consideration.
E. A progress report is required by every student whose research proposal has been approved by the departmental committee and the School of Graduate Studies.
F. Students whose advisors or department require them to submit a more detailed report, must submit a copy to the departmental committee.
G. Requests for extensions, resumption of studies, course exemptions or changes to research topic must be submitted via the appropriate form, with a recommendation of the advisor and the departmental committee chair (forms are available on the School of Graduate Studies website).
Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025