Department of Comparative Literature
This page is updated for the academic year 2023-2024.
Information for the academic year 2024-2025 will be updated in the coming days.
Master's Degree
Two tracks are available:
Track A – includes research and thesis submission.
- There is also a thesis-completion-only track (details in the introductory chapter).
Track B – not research-based.
- A teacher track is also available (under Track B only)
- Comparative literature – areas of specialization to be determined on an individual basis (Tracks A + B)
- Creative writing program (Track B only)
- Drama and theatre program (Track B only)
Admission requirements
- An undergraduate major in literature with a minimum grade point average of80.
- Applicants admitted from other disciplines must complete missing courses per their individual background.
Admission criteria details for specific programs are shown below.
Track A – research-based track
Credit and seminar requirements
14 AC (annual-based credits) (28 SC – semester-based credits) as specified below:
4 AC (8 SC): seminars (methodology seminar mandatory beginning 2019-20, and an additional elective seminar)
4 AC (8 SC) of which 2 AC (4 SC) are in criticism – 33-513-01 and 33-506-01 (or equivalent as determined by the department)
2 AC (4 SC) Aesthetics: either one of two courses 33-352-01 or 33-210-01
6 AC (12 credits) courses in comparative literature.
Mandatory attendance at all departmental colloquia and department-organized conferences.
Research proposals are to be submitted by the end of the first year of study, and no later than the end of the fall semester of the second year.
Language proficiency
English at the master’s degree level or another modern language not taken as a bachelor’s degree requirement, as determined by the departmental committee chair (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter).
Thesis guidelines
See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter.
Final exam for the master’s degree
The exam is based on the thesis and its underlying bibliography.
Jewish studies
As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).
Research proposals are to be submitted by the end of the first year of study
and no later than the end of the fall semester of the second year.
Track B – non-research track *
Credit and seminar requirements **
18 AC (36 SC) as specified below:
6 AC (12 SC) – seminars
4 AC (8 SC) – courses in aesthetics and criticism
8 AC (16 credits) - courses in comparative literature
Mandatory attendance at all departmental colloquia and department-organized conferences.
* In addition to the non-thesis master’s degree in comparative literature, the following programs are also available in this track:
Creative writing – admission conditional on providing a writing sample (details at the department office or website).
Drama and theatre – details at the department office or website.
Teacher track for educators with five years of experience in teaching literature. Teachers who have majored in English or French literature may be included in this program. Details are available on the department website.
Minimum average grade point average for admission as indicated above.
**the creative writing program, the drama and theatre program and the teacher track have different breakdown of courses; details on the department website.
Language proficiency
English at the master’s degree level or another modern language not taken as a bachelor’s degree requirement, as determined by the departmental committee chair (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter).
Jewish studies
As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).
PhD prerequisite completion track
This track is limited to a single year only, with no extensions. Admission to this track is conditional on an interview with the departmental committee chair and on arrangement with a department faculty member to serve as thesis advisor and selection of an agreed-upon thesis topic.
- Students who completed a Track B (non-thesis) master’s degree with a minimum grade point average of 85 may be admitted.
- Students admitted must complete thesis-equivalent work. Additional courses may be required per background.
- Mandatory attendance at departmental colloquia and department-organized conferences.
Areas of specialization
- Western literature from classical culture (Greek and Hellenist) until today
- The study of medieval European literature
- Renaissance, Baroque, Enlightenment and Romantic literature
- The works of 19th and 20th century European writers and their poetic and aesthetic legacy
- Poetry in late 19th and early 20th century Europe
- Comparative study of the modern novel
- Comparative study of modern drama
- Study of European literature (France, Italy, Germany, Britain, Spain, etc.) from a comparative perspective
- North and South American literatures
- Resistance literature in Western Europe during Nazi occupation
- European literatures and their link to plastic arts
- Schools of aesthetic thought
- Study of East Asian literature and culture
- Interaction between philosophy and literature, e.g. the classical and the modern periods, such as phenomenology and literature or existentialism and literature.
- Interdisciplinary specialization (art forms and literature: music, film, theatre, etc.)
- Study of the history of theatre and contemporary theatre
- Figurative speech and its influence on meaning in prose and poetry
- Interaction between literature and psychology/psychoanalysis
- Post-Holocaust literature – testimony and memory
The School of Graduate Studies Committee does not guarantee admission to all applicants even if they meet minimum requirements and have been recommended for admission by the department. Admission to our doctoral studies program is decided by the chair of the relevant departmental committee. More details on the available tracks for graduate studies, can be found on the School of Graduate Studies website.
* All graduate students are required to take part in the departmental colloquium and all conferences organized under the aegis of the department.
For further details
Visit the Department of Comparative Literature website
or contact the department by phone at 03-5318281 or via email
on Sun., Mon., Wed., Thurs. 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025