The Department of Psychology

Master's Degree   

Only Track A is available (research-based)   

Includes research and submission of a thesis.   
Honors students may choose the combined MA-PhD program per departmental approval  See details in the introductory chapter . 

Study programs   

  • Clinical psychology   

  • Social-organizational psychology   

  • Cognitive, emotional, intellectual psychology (CEIP)   

Admission criteria 

  1. Completion of all bachelor’s degree requirements in psychology  

The CEIP program is also open to applicants with a bachelor's degree in closely related disciplines (such as neuroscience, cognition, behavioral and communication disorders). Applicants admitted from these disciplines must complete missing courses.   

  1. Undergraduate grade point average in psychology and MITAM score (standardized admission exam for graduate study in psychology) in accordance with program requirements. The MITAM exam may be taken beginning the end of the 2nd year of the bachelor’s degree. Foreign students must take GREs.   


MITAM score   

Undergraduate GPA in psychology   

Clinical psychology   



Social-organizational psychology   

100 **  



Cognitive, emotional, intellectual psychology (CEIP) *   

***see note   




*** A MITAM score for the cognitive, emotional, intellectual psychology program is not required but a high MITAM score grants preference for scholarships. The CEIP program is also open to applicants with a bachelor's degree in closely related disciplines (such as neuroscience, cognition, behavioral and communication disorders). Applicants admitted from these disciplines must complete missing courses.   

** In the social-organizational program, honors students (minimum undergraduate grade point average of 90) may apply without taking the MITAM. For applicants without a MITAM score, a decision will be made whether to call them for an interview on the basis of the material submitted.  

Those who enrolled for master's degree on psychology, can choose as a second priority one of the following subjects: social psychology, organizational psychology' cognition-emotion and brain.

Screening for the specializations is based on the applicant’s record and material submitted. Candidates will be called for interviews based on the decision of the admissions committee.    

3. Letters of recommendation:  

 For the clinical psychology program two references are required:   

  • One reference from an academic faculty member who could provide a personal recommendation on the candidate   

  • One reference on fieldwork from supervisors engaging in therapy – psychologists (clinical, rehabilitational, medical, educational) or clinical social workers.    

  • For the social-organizational program and the CEIP program two academic letters of recommendation are required. No field references are necessary. 

 4. Questionaries - questionaries for candidates are on the department's website.   

Credit and seminar requirements   

25-38 AC (annual-based credits) (50-76 SC – semester-based credits) with courses determined by program. This credit load also includes practical work (practicum). Additionally, students must spend at least one day per week in field work, and conduct research and therapy assignments per their program.   

Submission of research proposal for evaluation:   

Research proposals are to be submitted before the second year of study; that is, by the end of the first year. In the event of a delay, the proposal must be submitted at the latest by the end of the fall semester of the second year (per detailed policy published on the department website under “master’s degree”).   

Thesis submission:   

The full thesis is to be submitted for judgment by the beginning of the summer (July) after the second year in the program (per detailed policy published on the department website under “master’s degree”).   

Final exam for the master’s degree   

The exam is based on the thesis and its underlying bibliography.   

Thesis guidelines   

See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter.   
Jewish studies   

As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).   


Research proposals are to be submitted by the start of the second year of study.   


 For further details on admission to the master’s programs   
contact the department by phone at 0779293499 or via email   
or visit the Department of Psychology website.   




Application to the PhD program begins in February and runs through the end of April of the same year.   
Enrollment is not possible in the middle of an academic year.   
Applicants must have a bachelor's and a master’s degree in psychology only.   
There are more than 100 students in the PhD program.   
Tow tracks are available – the standard track (post-thesis) and combined track.  See details in the introductory chapter.   

For any of the PhD tracks, a potential doctoral advisor (i.e., a faculty member who holds the rank of senior lecturer or above) must endorse the application and express an interest in advising the prospective PhD student. Securing this endorsement and commitment is the first step to pursue. This step should occur as early as possible, and certainly prior to beginning the formal application process. In other words, students enter the PhD only if they have an identified committed advisor.      

For further details contact Ayala Bracha   
by phone at 03-5317671, or via email   



Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025