The Department of Mathematics

This page is updated for the academic year 2023-2024.
Information for the academic year 2024-2025 will be updated in the coming days.


Master's Degree


Master’s degree studies allow students to be involved in research under the guidance of a seasoned researcher, or to study a research domain of their personal interest, and advance toward the forefront of knowledge in a theoretical or applied branch of mathematics.


Two tracks are available:

Track A – includes research and thesis submission.

Track B – not research-based: in the financial mathematics, financial technology (fintech) and data science programs.

Master’s degree programs and specializations

  1. The mathematics program:

Theoretical mathematics: algebra, analysis, geometry, probability, topology, combinatorics and number theory.

Applied mathematics: theoretical applied mathematics and its applications in physics, computer science, engineering, statistics, data science, biology, brain science and finance.                                                                

  1. The financial mathematics program:

The program deals with mathematical tools adapted for modern developments in economics and financing. These require quantitative methods, such as: stochastic calculus, fractals, applied statistics, stochastic  processes, quantitative financing methods, specialized "smart" methods for financial management. The financial technology (fintech) program further deals with big data methods and deep learning.

    3. Data science program:

Encourages applied and theoretical academic research in data science, incorporating mathematical, statistical and algorithmic capabilities. Course collaboration with the Department of Computer Science, and development of competencies that will facilitate entry into the job market as a data scientist.   

Admission requirements

  1. The mathematics program (Track A): undergraduate degree (extended or major) in mathematics with a minimum grade point average of 84. Applicants with a strong mathematics background who do not meet the above criterion and who are admitted must complete background courses as determined by the academic advisor.
  2. The financial mathematics program, including financial technology: a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 80 in exact sciences, engineering, accounting, economics or business administration; recommended preparatory course (see below).
  3. The data science specialization: Thesis track – minimum average of 84 and a  personal interview. Space in this program is limited.

The preparatory course for the master’s degree program in financial mathematics:
The department conducts a preparatory program in financial mathematics for students in the summer preceding their first year of study. This course is recommended for students who have majored in social sciences or economics-business administration or for students who completed a degree in mathematics more than six years ago. The course provides mathematical foundations in infinitesimal calculus, linear algebra and probability. The course opens with a minimum enrollment of 15 students.

All student in math finance programs (including fintech) start in the not research-based track (without a thesis). Students, who finished all first-year classes with distinction, may switch to the research and thesis track.

Credit and seminar requirements

Research-based (Track A) mathematics: core courses, electives and seminars totaling 14.5 AC (annual-based credits) (29 SC – semester-based credits), and a thesis.

Data science (research-based Track A only): introductory and core courses, elective and seminars totaling 17 AC (34 SC) and a thesis.

Financial mathematics:  without a thesis, courses totaling 23 AC (46 SC). With a thesis, courses totaling 18.5 AC (37 SC).

Financial technology: without a thesis, courses totaling 23.5 AC (47 SC). With a thesis, courses totaling 19.5 AC (39 SC).

Program duration

The master’s degree program, including all financial math programs, span four consecutive semesters (Note the in previous years, the math finance program spanned 1.5 years. This changed starting the 2022-2023 academic year).
The thesis-based master’s degree program spans two to three years.

Jewish studies

As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).

Language proficiency

English at the master’s degree level (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter).

Thesis guidelines

See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter.

Final exam for the master’s degree

For the thesis track – the exam is based on the thesis and its underlying bibliography.

Research proposals are to be submitted by the end of the fall semester
of the second year of study, and preferably by the end of the first year of study.



Student requirements for the PhD

Students must choose an advisor before beginning their studies in the department. Research proposals are to be submitted by the end of the first year of study. Students should take an average of one advanced course per semester (from core courses not taken in the master’s degree or from advanced elective courses) and accumulate four numerical final grades throughout the program.

PhD students must attend one of the departmental research seminars on a regular basis.

Basic Jewish studies and English are compulsory as detailed in the School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations.

Areas of specialization

  1. Algebra: algebraic groups, semigroups, rings and algebras, groups and lie algebras, quantum groups, representation theory, homologous algebra, computational algebra and encryption
  2. Analysis: complex analysis (in one variable and in several variables), harmonic analysis, functional analysis, operator theory, integral geometry, mathematical tomography.
  3. Geometry and topology: algebraic geometry, differential geometry, computational geometry, general and point-set topology, dynamic systems, low-dimensional topology, systolic geometry and topology, knot theory.
  4. Number theory: algebraic number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, automorphic functions and L-functions, diophantine approximations, probabilistic number theory.
  5. Combinatorics: automata, algebraic combinatorics, combinatorics of the symmetric group, reflection groups, graph theory.
  6. Probability: measure theory, stochastic processes, queuing theory, stochastic geometry, applications in genetics and biology.
  7. Group theory: group topology, Ramsey theory, fine structure, infinitary combinatorics.
  8. Applied mathematics: mathematical physics, mathematical biology, numerical analysis, tomography, random networks and graphs, data science, neural computation, modern encryption.


For further details

contact the department office by phone at 03-5318407/8, or via email,
or visit the 
Department of Mathematics website



Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025