Organizational Consulting Program

Admission criteria and requirements

A. Applicants with a minimum undergraduate grade point average of 85 will be considered. Preference will be given to those with consultancy and/or managerial experience and with a major in social sciences. Space is limited, and admission is competitive. Meeting minimum grade requirements does not guarantee admission.

The departmental committee for graduate degrees reserves the right to consider those applicants that it views as having the highest chances for success in the program and to recommend them to the School of Graduate Studies. To guarantee a fair decision, the departmental committee for graduate degrees may choose to consider an application only after all required supporting material has been received, as specified below. The committee has the right to ask applicants to submit seminar papers for its perusal, and to call applicants to a personal interview.

B. When applying, a full undergraduate transcript must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies. If all grades are not yet available at that time, the additional grades should be sent as soon as they available directly to the graduate studies committee in the department.

C. On the application form, specify “The Program for Organizational Consulting” as your desired specialization. On the lines for two more  preferences, you may indicate two of the remaining three programs offered by the department. When the application is reviewed, focus will be on the first choice for specialization. The second choice will be considered if there is space available at the time of the request to move from the first to the second choice. The third choice will be considered if there is space available at the time of the request to move from the second to the third choice.

D. The application must include a CV

E. Applications must include two letters of recommendation, one from an academic faculty members who has taught the applicant at the undergraduate level, preferably in a seminar course, and the second from an employer.

The signed letters of recommendation must be sent by the referees directly to the office of the organizational consulting program at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. We guarantee full confidentiality to the referees.

A structured form for letters of recommendation is available from the department administrator and on the department website.

F. Applicants must respond to a questionnaire on why they have chosen to apply to the program. The questionnaire is available at the program office and on the department website. The questionnaire should be included with the application packet.



Track B – non-research track

The curriculum includes 19.5 AC (39 SC) of which 5.5 AC (11 SC) are general required courses and 14 AC (28 SC) are focused on the specialization. 


General required studies

Selected Topics in Sociological Theory – 2 AC (4 SC)

Quantitative Research Methods + drill –                 1.5 AC (3 SC)

Qualitative Research Methods  – 1 AC (2 SC)

Israeli Society -                                             1     AC (2 SC)

Total                                                            5.5 AC (11 SC)


Area of specialization
In addition to the general course requirements, students take 14 AC (28 SC) credits within the area of organizational consulting, including courses on organizations, workshops on organization consulting and three seminars. The full list of courses appears on the department website.

Concentrated program
The program spans a single calendar year – fall semester, spring semester and summer session. Classes are held only twice a week – Thursdays (2 PM-9:30 PM) and Fridays (8 AM-1:30 PM). The program is structured and defined, with no elective courses; Students should prepare accordingly. Attendance in all classes and meetings is mandatory. Another half a day of week must also be allocated for the practicum.

Continuity of study must be maintained until degree completion. Students not studying / not registered / have left for any reason, without advanced approval, are considered as having waived their place in the department. This clause is considered to be advanced notice to such students; no additional notification will be given regarding leaves of absence.

Graduates of the program receive for a master’s degree in sociology and anthropology, with a supplementary specialization in “the program for organizational consulting”.

Language proficiency
English at the master’s degree level (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter).

Students must reach the exemption level from English.

Students not eligible for an exemption must take an English placement test prior to the start of the academic year. The exam is administered by the program and not by the Department of Foreign Languages. English courses will be offered in the spring semester and are part of the curriculum.

Jewish studies
As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).

Additional requirements
The School of Graduate Studies is authorized to require additional courses in accordance with its policy.

In general, instructions in this handbook expand upon university policy and do not diminish from them.


For further details

contact the organizational consulting program office by phone at 03-5318093, or via email, or visit the Department of Sociology and Anthropology website


Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025