The industrial management program

This page is updated for the academic year 2023-2024.
Information for the academic year 2024-2025 will be updated in the coming days.


Track A – research-based track  

Basic required courses:  

Technological R&D Management in Industry  

1 AC (annual-based credit)  

(2 SC – semester-based credits)  

Advanced Project Management  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Information Technology Management in Industry  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Quality, Standards and Performance Measurement  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Advanced Operations Research Models  

2 AC  

(4 SC)  

Leadership In People Management  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Financial Management of Industrial Enterprises  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Advanced Management Methods and Tools  

2 AC  

(4 SC)  

Digital industrial marketing  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Advanced Research Tools  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Thesis Workshop  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Master’s degree thesis – 2nd year  

5 AC  

10 (SC)  


18 AC  

36 (SC)  


 Thesis guidelines  

See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter.  

Final exam for the master’s degree  

The exam is based on the thesis and its underlying bibliography.  


Research proposals are to be submitted by the end of the first year of study.  


Track B – non-research track  

Basic required courses:  


Technological R&D Management in Industry  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Advanced Project Management  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Information Technology Management in Industry  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Quality, Standards and Performance Measurement  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Advanced Operations Research Models  

2 AC  

(4 SC)  

Leadership In People Management  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Financial Management of Industrial Enterprises  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  

Advanced Management Methods and Tools  

2 AC  

(4 SC)  

Digital industrial marketing  

1 AC  

(2 SC)  


11 AC  

(22 SC)  




Elective courses  

3 AC  

(6 SC)  


4 AC  

(8 SC)  


18 AC  

(36 SC)  


Completion of background courses  

To be determined for each student based on prior courses.    

Exemption from specialization courses  

Details on this are found in the School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations.  


Requirements, guidelines and clarifications common to all specializations (Track A and Track B)       

Jewish studies  

As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).  

Language proficiency  - only in track A 

English at the master’s degree level (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter).     

Transitioning from Track B to Track A  

Students who wish to shift to Track A (thesis-based) should register for course 55-913 Advanced Research Tools  
and for course 55-901 Thesis Workshop.  

Students whose research proposal is accepted may transition to Track A.   

Students who do not complete their research proposal submission by the end of the summer session may not transition to Track A.     

Changes and updates to degree programs  

The curricula presented herein are in accordance with programs approved and offered for the 2023-24 academic year.  

As part of the academic effort to obtain final approval of the curriculum, there may be changes and updates to these programs.  

Ongoing updates of the curricula are available on the department website.  


For further details  

contact the department by phone at 03-5318276 ext. 2  

or via email to the industrial management program  

and follow updates on the Department of Management website  




Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025