
  • Master’s degree advisors must be senior faculty members at Bar-Ilan University, at or above the rank of lecturer in the standard track. PhD research advisors must be senior faculty members at Bar-Ilan University, at or above the rank of senior lecturer in the standard track.
  • Under exceptional circumstances faculty members who do not meet these criteria may advise students independently for the master’s degree upon approval by the School of Graduate Studies. Requests for advisor approval are to be submitted by the department before beginning or committing to serve as advisor.
  • Senior faculty members at an academic institution recognized for higher education, who meet the rank criteria for advising students, who are considered experts in their in their field, who hold a PhD degree and who are members of Bar-Ilan’s junior faculty, may advise master’s degree students as co-advisor with a Bar-Ilan faculty member of the appropriate rank – with approval of the School of Graduate Studies only.
  • Faculty members in the clinical track at the Faculty of Medicine at the rank of Senior Clinical Lecturer or higher are allowed to supervise and evaluate master's thesis proposals and theses, and faculty members at the rank of Clinical Associate Professor or higher are allowed to supervise and evaluate research proposals and doctoral theses. The supervision and evaluation procedures for clinicians in the regular non-clinical track will be in accordance with the above as detailed for the regular track.
  • Faculty members at the rank of lecturer may advise PhD students provided they do so as co-advisor with a faculty member at or above the rank of senior lecturer.
  • Researchers employed by Bar-Ilan University on a parallel track or on another track that is not senior faculty, may be authorized as co-advisors in exceptional cases only. Such authorization may be granted in very limited measure, after submission of a request with clearly stated reasons accompanied by a CV, and only after the committee has been convinced that their contribution is crucial to the advancement of PhD work.
  • Retired senior faculty members within the first five years after their retirement:

    A. May advise students, provided that upon submission of the research proposal they commit in writing to advise the student through degree completion. Advisors taking on a student two years prior to retirement must declare in writing their commitment to advise the student through degree completion.

    B. May advise research students without a co-advisor, upon recommendation of the department and by approval of the School of Graduate Studies. The School of Graduate Studies is entitled to require addition of a senior faculty member at Bar-Ilan as co-advisor.
  • In most cases advisors must be faculty members of the student’s department of study. In exceptional cases and in multidisciplinary programs, however, approval may be granted for faculty members from other departments to serve as master’s or PhD advisors.
  • Compensation to advisors who have retired or who are not senior faculty members at Bar-Ilan is under the responsibility of the academic faculty/department.
  • The thesis and dissertation shall indicate the names of advisors approved by the School of Graduate Studies only. The acknowledgments section, however, may express thanks for contribution of others who participated and/or provided guidance.

Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025