Submission guidelines for course assignments and seminar papers at the graduate level

Homework, course papers, seminar papers, etc. must be original, independent work of the student, as per instructor guidelines. Identical or similar assignments may not be submitted for the fulfillment of requirements in two different courses.

  1. Students must maintain a copy of all assignments submitted.

  2. Assignment submission methods and deadlines
    Assignments shall be submitted via the Moodle platform and in certain cases via the department office, in accordance with guidelines provided by the instructor. For assignments submitted via the office, a proof of submission must be given to the student, indicating the date submitted.

Assignments are to be submitted typed and printed in keeping with departmental guidelines. Seminar papers must be submitted by the end of the academic year in which the course was taken (until one day before the start of the following academic year), unless the student had been notified of an earlier date by the instructor or the department.

Students who must defer submission of their paper with justifiable cause must submit a request indicating the reason for deferral and include supporting documents, and a well-justified authorization letter by the course instructor. The relevant form may be downloaded from the School of Graduate Studies website and sent to the department. Request approval shall incur a fee.

Further details on academic rights for reserve duty soldiers / pregnancy and childbirth / other, may be found in the following policy documents:

 Reserve duty policy 

Policy for academic rights for students undergoing fertility treatments, pregnancy bedrest, pregnancy, maternity/paternity/adoption leave or receipt of a child for custody/foster care   


Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025