Special exam periods

This clause does not apply to courses whose final grade is based on course attendance only.

  1. Students may take exams in Moed Aleph (first exam period) and/or Moed Bet (second exam period) in the same academic year. Students whose exam grade in Moed Aleph is at or below 70 are entitled automatically to repeat their exam in Moed Bet. Cases where the Moed Aleph grade is above 70 are handled as specified in the “exam grade improvement policy” section below (link).For exams taken in two exam periods, only the latter of the two counts.
  2. Students who have failed their exams in both Moed Aleph and Moed Bet, or who were absent from both exams without just cause*, or who have failed one and were absent from the other without just cause, are not eligible for an additional exam. Such students must register for the course once again and carry out all course assignments like any other student. Students may not take the same course more than twice, nor may they take its exams more than four times (up to two exams each time they were registered for the course).
  3. A special exam period may be requested in the following cases:

A. The student took an exam in one exam period only and not in the second, or in neither exam period, for reasons that are justified*

B. The student fulfilled all degree requirements with the exception of up to two exams in courses taken in their final year, that is:   

  1. They completed all degree requirements, submitted their thesis/dissertation, and took exams for all courses.
  2. They submitted all required assignments.
  3. They passed all courses, and all grades are available in the system and on their transcript.

Students granted a special exam period although their reasons for absence are not listed among those considered justified, will be charged an exam fee as determined by Bar-Ilan University.

* Justifications for waiver of exam fee

- partial or full overlap between the time of two exams

- reserve duty service per reserve duty policy

- parenting – fertility treatments, pregnancy bedrest, pregnancy, maternity/paternity/adoption leave or receipt of a child for custody/foster care   

    - extended illness, hospitalization, etc.

   - any other reason deemed justified by the School of Graduate Studies (such as: marriage, mourning, etc.) 

Schedule for special exams

Special exams will be held as follows:

  1. Together with exams for the same course of the academic year
  2. For courses not held in that academic year, dates for special exams are determined in coordination with the Exam Office, after approval by the instructor, the departmental committee chair and the School of Graduate Studies.

Keep in mind: when an exam is repeated, only the later grade counts! The grade on the earlier exam is invalidated with arrival of the student at the later exam – even if the student did not actually take the later exam or left in the middle.

Approval for a special exam period does not grant the right to obtain a grade for the course, nor any other right (for example, if it turns out that the student did not register for the course or was absent from lectures without justification).


Dates for submitting special exam period requests

Master’s degree students may submit a request for a special exam period via the special exam period request form. PhD students may download the miscellaneous requests form from the School of Graduate Studies website. Requests are to be sent to the department until one month before the exam date. Approval of the request incurs a charge.



Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025