Resumption of studies after an unauthorized leave of absence
A request for resumption of studies after withdrawal from studies or after an unauthorized leave of absence must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies as follows:
Master’s degree – Students who wish to resume studies must submit a request using this resumption of studies request form and pay half the application submission fee for that year. This resumption of studies fee may be paid through the In-Bar portal.
The request must be submitted to the department by the end of July before the start of the following academic year, together with proof of payment. The request will be forwarded to the School of Graduate Studies together with an opinion of the departmental committee chair. Students in a research track must also include an opinion by their advisor.
PhD – Requests are to be submitted using the miscellaneous requests form. The form must be signed by the departmental committee chair and the advisor (if there is one). Resumption of doctoral studies includes payment of a resumption of studies fee of about 2,800 NIS, in addition to standard tuition.
The School of Graduate Studies and the departmental committee are authorized to impose additional requirements as a condition for resumption of study. Furthermore, the policy documents and rules and regulations that apply to such students are the ones in effect at the time of resumption of study.
Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025