Degrees and diplomas

  1. Students who have completed all requirements in the faculties of Jewish studies, humanities, social sciences, or the unit of interdisciplinary studies (with the exception of the brain sciences program) will be awarded an M.A. (Master of Arts) degree.
    Students who have completed all requirements in the faculties of the exact sciences, life sciences, engineering, or the unit of interdisciplinary studies research – brain sciences will be awarded an M.Sc. (Master of Science) degree.
    Students who have completed all requirements in the law faculty will be awarded an LL.M. (Master of Law) degree.
    Students who have completed all requirements in the law faculty in the program for non-legal practitioners will be awarded an M.A. (Master of Arts) degree.
  2. Master’s degree diplomas for Track A (research-based) shall indicate: “After having completed their requisite course of study and thesis”. Master’s degree diplomas for Track B (non-research) shall indicate: “After having completed their requisite course of study”. Master’s degree diplomas for the combined / direct track (psychology) toward the PhD shall indicate: “After having completed their requirements for the master’s degree in the combined / direct track toward the doctor of philosophy degree”.
  3. Master’s degree diplomas for the combined track toward the PhD shall grant honors of ‘excellence’ only (no ‘distinction’ awards).
  4. Honors are not awarded on the master’s degree diplomas (psychology) on the direct PhD track.
  5. In the direct track toward the PhD, a degree eligibility certification is granted with the exception of psychology, in which a certificate is granted.
  6. Honors are indicated on the diploma only.

Bar-Ilan University is entitled, at its own discretion, to publish the names of master’s degree recipients.

Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025