Program duration

Program duration

  1. Students may be admitted to the PhD program or to the background completion program toward the PhD throughout the year (with exception of the departments listed here link). Years of study are counted from the first academic year and not from date of admission. Students must be registered for a minimum of two years for the PhD, with tuition as determined by Bar-Ilan University.
  2. An extension may be requested for consideration of special circumstances arising after admission. Such a request must be submitted to the departmental committee who will consider it after obtaining the advisor’s recommendation. The departmental committee shall submit its recommendation to the School of Graduate Studies.
  3. A delay in submission of the research proposal, dissertation or thesis-equivalent work or in fulfillment of course requirements within the allotted time period necessitates a request for extension, needed for arrangement of annual registration and tuition payments as set by Bar-Ilan University.
  4. A leave of absence without prior approval, or not returning to studies following approved leave, shall incur cancellation of student status at Bar-Ilan University.
  5. PhD students whose student status was cancelled and who wish to resume their studies shall be considered new applicants. The rules and regulations that apply to such students shall be those in effect in the year they renew their studies, other than the general requirements for which the relevant date is the beginning of studies.

Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025