Annual registration procedure

Annual registration procedure

  1. PhD students must register and pay their tuition each year, beginning with the first year to which they are admitted as indicated in their acceptance letter, and until dissertation approval by the School of Graduate Studies.
  2. Students admitted in the fall semester shall register immediately upon admission for the current academic year. Students admitted in the spring semester may defer the start of their studies to the following academic year, provided they did not register for the current academic year. A request to defer the start of studies may be submitted via the miscellaneous requests form”.
  3. The Student Administration Authority publishes a handbook each year specifying the full registration process including dates, tuition fees, etc. This handbook is available on the Bar-Ilan University website.
  4. Students who have not registered in the set time windows for justifiable reasons may register at any other time, provided they perform all steps required for registration before the start of the academic year. After that time, only students who have received special permission from the departmental committee chair and from the School of Graduate Studies will be permitted to register.
  5. Students who have not registered shall be considered as if they have waived their rights to graduate studies.
  6. Students who did not register in time and would like to resume their studies must submit a clearly justified request to the departmental committee chair. The recommendation of the committee chair is to be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies where a decision will be made. If the request is approved, the student must pay resumption of studies fees. If the request is denied, students may reapply; with their readmission, new program criteria may be set for them.
  7. All PhD students must register annually and pay tuition until obtaining final degree eligibility certification, even if they have fulfilled all degree requirements.
  8. Students are considered registered if they have submitted all registration forms for courses and obtained confirmation of course registration and input into the Bar-Ilan system. Students who have paid tuition only or who have completed only a part of the registration process are not considered registered. 
  9. Students for whom a one-year leave of absence has been approved are exempt from registration and tuition fees for that year. Leaves of absence are granted for a single academic year and not for a portion of one.
  10. PhD students are not permitted to be registered for another degree simultaneously without approval by the School of Graduate Studies. Students who wish to take an additional degree simultaneously must submit a clearly stated request via the miscellaneous requests form and commit to fulfilling the requirements of both degree programs in full. The departments themselves, in turn, must sign the form and include their recommendation indicating that on the basis of their acquaintance, they assume that the student can fulfill all requirements of both degree programs.

Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025