The Department of Talmud & Oral Law

This page is updated for the academic year 2023-2024.
Information for the academic year 2024-2025 will be updated in the coming days.


Master's Degree 


Two tracks are available: 

Track A – thesis track 

Track B – nnon- research- track. 

The department also offers a non-research track specifically for teachers. There is a non-research track in Oral Law, which students can join pursuant to an interview with the department chair. 

Program duration 

Students in the thesis track must complete their degree in three years. 
Students in the non-thesis track must complete their degree in two years. 

Admission requirements 

  1. Bachelor's degree (from a recognized academic institution) with a minimum grade point average of 76. 

  1. Applicants who did not major in Talmud studies may be admitted but must complete additional courses based on their background. 

  1. The final decision on master’s degree track admission is at the discretion of the School of Graduate Studies. 

Track A –  thesis track 

Credits and seminar requirements 

12 AC (annual-based credits) (equivalent to 24 SC – semester-based credits) as specified below: 

  • Two graduate-level seminars, including seminar papers – 4 AC (8 SC) with two different instructors with an average grade of 90. Failure to meet the grade point average will result in a transition to track B (without a thesis), except with the special approval of the head of the department 

  • Master’s level courses – 8 AC (16 SC). 

  • Registration for thesis in second year of study. 

The research proposal for the thesis must be submitted by the end of the first semester in the second year of study. 

Thesis guidelines 

See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter. 

Final exam for the master’s degree degree (thesis defense)   

An exam based on the master’s thesis and its underlying bibliography. 

Proficiency exam 

Contact the department for details. 

Basic Jewish studies 

In accordance with the general requirements for MA students at Bar-Ilan University. Students in the Talmud department are required to complete 2 AC in Basic Jewish Studies in fields other than Talmud. 


Track B – non-research track 

Credits and seminar requirements 

18 AC (36 SC) as specified below: 

  • Two graduate-level seminars, including seminar papers – 4 AC (8 SC)), with two different instructors. 

  • Master’s level courses – 14 AC (28 SC). 


Track B program may be completed in a single academic year, in addition to online courses. This is particularly suitable for teachers on sabbatical. 

Proficiency exam 

Contact the department for details. 

Basic Jewish Studies 

In accordance with the general requirements for MA students at Bar-Ilan University. Students in the Talmud department are required to complete 2 AC in Basic Jewish Studies in fields other than Talmud. 

Teacher track  – non-research track 

Admission to this track requires a bachelor’s degree and a teaching certificate.  

Credit and seminar requirements 

18 AC (36 SC) as specified below: 

  • Two graduate-level seminars, including seminar papers – 4 AC (8 SC), with two different instructors. 

  • Master’s level courses – 14 AC (28 SC). 

Proficiency exam 

Contact the department for details. 

Basic Jewish Studies 

In accordance with the general requirements for MA students at Bar-Ilan University. Students in the Talmud department are required to complete 2 AC in Basic Jewish Studies in fields other than Talmud. 


Pedagogical innovation 2.0 track – non-research track 

This program aims to train teachers to approach the challenge of teaching Talmud through innovative use of technology. 

Credit and seminar requirements 

22 AC (44 SC) as specified below: 

  • Two graduate-level seminars, including seminar papers – 4 AC (8 SC), with two different instructors. 

  • Master’s level courses – 16 AC (32 SC), including 8 AC (16 SC) in pedagogical innovation. 

  • Compulsory course in innovation in the Department of Talmud in the amount of 2 hours (4 credits) which is counted as a basic course (counted instead of a course in basic Jewish studies). 

Proficiency exam 

Contact the department for details. 


Admission requirements 

  1. Master's degree (from a recognized academic institution) with a minimum grade point average of 86. 

  1. Completion of an MA thesis in Talmud. 

  1. Personal interview. 

  Credit and seminar requirements 

  1. Graduate level courses – 6 AC (12 SC). Participation only, no grade required. 

  1. English language proficiency exam administered individually by department chair. 



For further details 

contact the department by phone at 03-5318612/8593, via email
or visit the Department of Talmud and Oral Law website 


Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025