The Department of Middle Eastern Studies 

This page is updated for the academic year 2023-2024.
Information for the academic year 2024-2025 will be updated in the coming days.


The special nature of the department attracts the best young minds in Israel, creating a productive and challenging academic atmosphere. “The Arab-Israeli conflict”, Islam and Radicalism in the Cyber Era, The Islamic State (ISIS), the wave of immigration sweeping Europe, the Iranian nuclear issue, the world oil crisis, the status of women in Islamic countries and the media in the Arab world, are just a few of the topics in which Bar-Ilan’s Department of Middle Eastern Studies is involved. 

Remain abreast of the various conferences and trips held by the department, follow announcements and see job opportunities on the department’s website and Facebook page. 

Master's Degree 


Two tracks are available: 

Track A – includes research and thesis submission. 

                  The department has a thesis-completion-only track (details in the introductory chapter). 

Track B – not research-based.  

The department allows for the option of completing a thesis at a later date (details in the introductory section) 


The department offers a program that focuses on Islamism in the digital and cyber age (one year track – without thesis, or two-year track – with thesis)

Admission requirements 

A bachelor’s degree with a minimum grade point average of 76 from a recognized institution. 

Applicants with an undergraduate degree from other departments who wish to pursue graduate work in Middle Eastern studies must make up missing courses. 

Track A – research-based track 

Credit and seminar requirements 

6 courses totaling 14 annual-based credits (AC) (28 SC – semester-based credits) as specified below: 

Introduction to Advanced Research in Middle East History Or a Practicum 2 AC (4 SC) 

Master’s degree seminar 2 AC (4 SC) 

2 graduate-level elective courses 4 AC (8 SC) 

1 elective course in the Department of Arabic 2 AC (4 SC) 

Foreign language 4 AC (8 SC) 

Examples of elective courses and seminars, updated each year: 

History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Islam and Radicalism in the Cyber Era, The Middle East and World War I, Middle East Intelligence Affairs, Democracy and its Absence, Arab Society in Israel, and others. 

Thesis guidelines 

See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter. 

Final exam for the master’s degree 

An oral exam based on the master’s thesis and its underlying bibliography. 

Research proposals should be submitted by the end of the first year of study. 


Track B – non-research track 

Credit and seminar requirements 

8 courses with a total of 18 AC (36 SC) as specified below: 

Introduction to Advanced Research in Middle East History Or a Practicum 2 AC (4 SC) 

2 graduate-level seminars 4 AC (8 SC) 

2 graduate-level elective courses 4 AC (8 SC) 

1 elective course in the Department of Arabic 2 AC (4 SC) 

Elective seminar from within the department 2 AC (4 SC) 

Foreign language 4 AC (8 SC) 

Examples of elective courses and seminars, updated each year: 

History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Islam and Radicalism in the Cyber Era, Middle East Intelligence Affairs, The Middle East and World War I, Democracy and its Absence, Arab Society in Israel, and others. 

Requirements common to both tracks (Track A and Track B) 

Language proficiency 

English at the master’s degree level (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter). 

Jewish studies 

As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter). 



Admission criteria 

  1. Minimum grade of 90 in master’s thesis and minimum grade point average of 90 in master’s degree courses. Applicants who completed their master’s degree in a non-thesis track and would like to be accepted to the PhD prerequisite completion track – must have a minimum average of 90 in their master’s degree courses. 
  1. Initial screening by the departmental PhD committee. 
  1. Final admission contingent on approval by the School of Graduate Studies. 


Several additional PhD tracks are available: 

Direct track – from bachelor’s degree directly to PhD program, bypassing the master’s degree, subject to the following: 

  1. Meeting direct PhD track requirements as established periodically by the School of Graduate Studies. 
  1. Recommendation of the department head. 
  1. Final admission contingent on approval by the School of Graduate Studies. 

Combined track – students registered in master’s degree thesis track who meet the requirements below may submit a request to transfer to the combined track, thus foregoing the thesis and beginning the dissertation, subject to the following: 

  1. Completion of all mandatory courses in the master’s degree thesis track with a minimum average of 90. 
  1. Submission of doctoral research proposal in the second year of the master’s degree. 
  1. Recommendation of the department head. 
  1. Final admission contingent on approval by the School of Graduate Studies. 

Program structure 

Full-length dissertation based on scientific research introducing original work and significantly contributing to scholarship in the area under study. Students must choose an advisor and submit their research proposal by the end of their first year. 

Required coursework in the direct PhD track is determined by the School of Graduate Studies (usually equivalent to the number of courses for the master’s degreein the thesis-based track). 

PhD students are required to attend seminar(s) and/or class(es) each year, as determined by department for each student individually. 


For further details contact the department by phone at  

03-5317407 or via email,  

or visit the Department of Middle Eastern Studies website  

or Find us on Facebook – ‘The Department of Middle Eastern Studies, Bar-Ilan University’ 




Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025