The Department of French Culture

This page is updated for the academic year 2023-2024.
Information for the academic year 2024-2025 will be updated in the coming days.


Master's Degree 


Two tracks are available: 

Track A – includes research and thesis submission. 

Track B – not research-based. 

Areas of specialization 

Areas of research are selected on an individual basis. Research may be conducted in linguistics, discourse analysis, literature or culture. 

There is also a Master of Arts (with or without thesis) in French Culture Textual and Visual Discourse Analysis with a diploma – see details below. 

Admission requirements 

1. Command of  French (students who plan to submit their papers in Hebrew or English are also required to speak French. Courses are given in the department – details at the department). 

2. A minimum undergraduate GPA (grade point average) of 76. A minimum grade of 80 on bachelor’s degree seminar papers. 

Completion of missing courses 

Applicants with a bachelor’s degree without prior academic knowledge of French, if admitted, will be required to make up courses as per decision of the department and by approval of the School of Graduate Studies. 

Track A – research-based 

Credit and seminar requirements 

14 AC (annual-based credits) (28 SC – semester-based credits) as specified below: 

2 seminars totaling 4 AC (8 SC) 
Courses totaling 10 AC (20 SC).  

Attendance at the departmental seminar is mandatory for graduate (advanced degree) students each year of study. 

Language proficiency

English at the master’s degree level (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter). 

Jewish studies 

As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter). 

Thesis guidelines 

See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter. 

Dissertations may be written in French, Hebrew or English (with approval of the departmental advisor). 

Research proposals should be submitted by the end of the first year of study,  
and no later than the end of the second year’s fall semester.  

Oral final exam for the master’s degree (Une soutenance) 

The oral final exam is based on the thesis and its underlying bibliography. 


 Master in French Culture Textual and Visual Discourse Analysis 

Track A – research-based 

Credit and seminar requirements  

14 AC (annual-based credits) (28 SC – semester-based credits) as specified below: 2 seminars required totaling 4 AC (8 SC)  
Compulsory courses totaling 8 AC (16 SC). 

Elective courses totaling 2 AC (4 SC).  

Attendance at the departmental seminar is mandatory for graduate (advanced degree) students each year of study.  

Language proficiency  

English at the Master degree level (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter).  

Jewish studies  

As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).  

Thesis guidelines  

See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter.  

Dissertations may be written in French, Hebrew or English (with approval of the departmental advisor).  

Research proposals should be submitted by the end of the first year of study,  
and no later than the end of the second year’s fall semester.  

Oral final exam for the Master degree (Une soutenance)  

The oral final exam is based on the thesis and its underlying bibliography.  


Track B – non-research track 

Credit and seminar requirements 

22 AC (44 SC) as specified below: 

3 seminars totaling 6 AC (12 SC). 
Courses totaling 16 AC (32 SC). 
Attendance at the departmental seminar is mandatory for advanced degree students each year of study.  

 Language proficiency 

English at the master’s degree level (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter). 

Jewish studies 

As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter). 

 Master in French Culture Textual and Visual Discourse Analysis  

Track B – non-research track 

 Credit and seminar requirements  

22 AC (annual-based credits) (44 SC – semester-based credits) as specified below: 2 seminars required totaling 4 AC (8 SC)  
1 elective seminar required totaling 2 AC (4 SC) 

Compulsory courses totaling 8 AC (16 SC). 

Elective courses totaling 8 AC (16 SC).  

Attendance at the departmental seminar is mandatory for advanced degree students each year of study.  

Language proficiency  

English at the Master degree level (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter).  

Jewish studies  

As per general requirements for the Master degree (see introductory chapter).  



Areas of specialization 

The PhD program of the Department of French Culture has several PhD research tracks. Dissertations may be written in French, Hebrew or English (by approval of advisor and the departmental advisor). 

These tracks allow a wide range of specializations in French and francophone (North Africa, t the Antillean Islands, Quebec) . The department also has experts in areas in linguistics and textual analysis methods (commentary, argumentation, discourse analysis) with an emphasis on literature and old and new media.

The department’s main research areas are: 
  1. Medieval literature and Renaissance literature in France (and in Old French) 
  1. 20th century literature and contemporary literature 
  1. Transmedial literature 
  1.  Francophone literature in Africa 
  1. Literature and art 
  1. Jewish literature in French 
  1. The Holocaust in French-language literature 
  1. French theatre 
  1. The visual argument; literature and visual media 
  1. Exploring social discourse 
  1. Journalistic writing rhetoric in old and new media 
  1. Rhetoric in Contemporary Literature 
  1.  French linguistics: semantics, syntax, pragmatics (thrifty language, linguistic lacuna, simple and complex prepositions, omission) 
  1. Franc-Belgian comics 


For further details 

contact the department by phone at 03-5318232, or by email 

or visit the Department of French Culture website 

or the department’s Facebook page 

or see the department bulletin 



Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025