The Department of Arabic
Master's Degree
Two tracks are available:
Track A – includes research and thesis submission.
Track B – not research-based.
Thesis completion track – for graduates of the Track B master’s degree in Arabic. Includes research and thesis submission – details in the introductory chapter.
Direct master’s degree track – details in the introductory chapter.
Admission requirements
A bachelor’s degree with a major or extended major in Arabic with a minimum grade point average of 80 from a major institution.
Admission to Track A also requires a minimum of 80 on undergraduate seminar papers.
Applicants who minored in Arabic or studied at another institution may be admitted, but must make up courses per their background, as determined by the department and the School of Graduate Studies.
Admission to a master’s degree program in the Department of Arabic (either track) is subject to an interview with the departmental committee chair and/or department head. To schedule an interview – contact the department.
Track A – research-based track
Areas of specialization
Arabic literature (classic and modern)
History of Islam
Islamic culture
Linguistics and grammar
Muslim thought
An important admission criterion to the thesis-based track is written agreement by a thesis advisor to mentor the student. Details will be provided during the admission interview.
Credit and seminar requirements
14 AC (annual-based credits) (28 SC – semester-based credits) from graduate-level courses in the Arabic department, including two seminar papers (one of which is in the area of specialization), and participation in department research seminars in each year of study.
The chair of the departmental committee may permit 4 AC (8 SC) lecture-based courses (not seminars) from other departments instead, as needed and per area of specialization. Other special requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Language proficiency
English at the master’s degree level (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter).
In some cases, the advisor (in coordination with the departmental committee chair) may require an additional foreign language, if deemed necessary for research work.
Thesis guidelines
See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter.
Final exam for the master’s degree (thesis defense)
The exam is based on the thesis and its underlying bibliography. The exam is held before an examination committee. Its grade is included in the final thesis grade.
Jewish studies
As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).
Research proposals should be submitted by the end of the first year of study,
and no later than the end of the fall semester of the second year.
Track B – non-research track
Credit and seminar requirements
Master’s degree students who would like to study in a non-thesis track, or who have been requested by the department to transfer from Track A to Track B (not research-based), have a course load requirements of 24 AC (48 SC), including 3 seminar papers.
Attendance at the departmental seminar is mandatory each year of study.
The chair of the departmental committee may permit 4 AC (8 SC) lecture-based courses (not seminars) from other departments instead, per need and area of specialization. Other special requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Language proficiency
English at the master’s degree level or another modern language not taken as a bachelor’s degree requirement and as determined by the departmental committee chair in coordination with the advisor and based on the research topic (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter).
Jewish studies
As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).
Additional provisions
A move from one track to another may require completion of missing courses.
Three tracks are available:
Standard track – for applicants who hold a research-based (Track A) master’s degree in Arabic
Direct track – applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree with honors in Arabic
PhD prerequisite completion track – for applicants who hold a non-thesis (Track B) master’s degree in Arabic
Areas of specialization
History of Islam
Arabic literature (classical and modern)
Islamic culture
Linguistics and grammar
Muslim thought
Language proficiency and Jewish studies
Doctoral students in the Department of Arabic must have English proficiency at a level of comprehension of current research literature. English proficiency is a prerequisite for doctoral studies in the department.
Details on PhD-level English studies and/or exemptions may be found in the introductory chapter.
In some cases, the advisor (in coordination with the departmental committee chair) may require an additional foreign language, if deemed necessary for research work.
Doctoral students must take exams for Jewish studies courses / general courses and English (details in the introductory chapter).
Admission requirements and guidelines
Following are admission requirements and department guidelines for the three tracks described above. The School of Graduate Studies has the right to refuse admission to applicants even if they meet the track’s admission requirements.
Standard track
Applicants with a minimum grade point average of 85 (course average and thesis grade) in a research-based master’s degree.
Admission to the Department of Arabic PhD program is subject to an interview with the departmental committee chair. To schedule an interview – contact the department.
An important admission criterion is written agreement by a thesis advisor to mentor the student. Details to be provided during the admission interview.
An individual curriculum of studies is to be designed by students admitted to the PhD program (including completion if missing courses) as determined by the departmental committee chair.
Direct PhD track
Applicants to the direct track must hold a bachelor’s degree in Arabic with a minimum grade point average of 90 (including seminar papers). Further details on the track may be found in the introductory chapter.
Requirements 2-4 of the standard track apply to this track as well.
PhD prerequisite completion track
Applicants must a hold master’s degree in Arabic (Track B – non-thesis) with a minimum grade point average of 85. Seminar papers must also meet a minimum grade of 85.
A prerequisite for admission is arrangement with a department faculty member to serve as advisor for the thesis-equivalent work and approval of the selected topic.
Students admitted must write a thesis-equivalent paper. Students must complete this track within two years.
For details of the completion tracks-see the School of Graduate Studies website.
Credit and seminar requirements
The department’s PhD program includes courses and a dissertation. The curriculum is determined individually for each candidate, per advisor recommendation.
In general, PhD students are required to take at least one graduate-level seminar each year of study. Attendance at the departmental seminar is also mandatory each year.
PhD students do not need to take exams or submit papers for their courses. To pass the courses, however, they must attend classes regularly and submit course assignments.
For required courses taken in other departments or in Judaic studies, students must receive a passing grade (numeric), as per guidelines of the department in which the course is taken.
Admission to the doctoral program, in any event, is contingent upon an interview with the departmental committee chair.
The department may only recommend admission or non-admission of a candidate for studies in the department. The School of Graduate Studies committee reviews department recommendations and makes the final determination whether or not to accept applications.
For further details, visit the Department of Arabic website and Facebook page
or contact the department by phone at 03-531874 or via email
Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025