Department of Geography and Environment

Master's Degree   


Two tracks are available:   
Track A – includes research and thesis submission.   
Track B – not research-based.   

Areas of specialization in coursework and research will be individually designed for each Track A student by the advisor.   

Admission criteria   

An undergraduate grade point average of 80 with a major or extended major in geography and environment for the research-based track, and an average of 76 for the non-research track. Applicants admitted with a minor in geography and environment or from other disciplines must make up courses as determined by the department and by approval of the School of Graduate Studies. New students are initially admitted to Track B – not research-based. Students wishing to transition to Track A must find a thesis advisor and thesis topic during their first year. A request to transition to Track A should be submitted toward the end of the first year, together with a research proposal.     

The following admission requirements apply to the environmental regulation and policy program only: MA with a thesis - an average of 85 in the undergraduate degree, provided that the average score of the bachelor's seminars is 85. For an MA without a thesis, an average of 80 must be obtained in the undergraduate program.  

Track A – research-based track   

There are three programs of study:   

  1. Geography and environmental studies (Track A)   

          The program has two areas of specialization; these may also be combined.   

  • “Landscape” specialization covering the following topics: climatology; geomorphology and soils; oceanography; geology; volcanism; hydrology; plant ecology; landscape ecology. Remote sensing and geographic information systems.    

  • “Society” specialization covering the following topics: economic, social and cultural geography; preservation, planning and development; changes in the urban and rural space; regional development; third world issues; historical geography; political geography and migration; settlement and environment; transportation and environment; tourism; remote sensing; Geographic Information Systems (GIS).   

 Credit and seminar requirements   

12 AC (annual-based credits) (24 SC – semester-based credits) as specified below (all courses must be coordinated with the advisor):   
Course in planning and environment    1 AC (2 SC)   
Seminar                                              2 AC (4 SC)   
Workshop                                           2 AC (4 SC)   
Elective courses                                  6 AC (12 SC) [of which up to 3 AC (6 SC) may be outside the department]     

Departmental seminar (participation mandatory) – 1 AC (2 SC)                                                
(We recommend reviewing the curriculum on the Bar-Ilan website as well)   

Signing up to a thesis code is required.    

  1. Earth sciences and the environment (Track A only)   

Credit and seminar requirements   

14 AC (28 SC)  as specified below (all courses must be coordinated with the advisor):   
Elective courses cluster A   7 AC (14 SC)   
Elective courses cluster B   4 AC (8 SC)   
Workshop                          2 AC (4 SC)   
Seminar                             1 AC (2 SC)  

The colloquium (which requires mandatory attendance and a passing grade) does not carry academic credit  

  Signing up to a thesis code is required.  

  1. Environmental regulation and policy – a joint program with the Faculty of Law (Track A)   

Credit and seminar requirements   

21AC (42SC) as specified below:   

  • Curriculum for students with an undergraduate degree in geography:   

Approaches in Environmental Policy (core)                                 1 AC (2 SC)   
Regulation and Environment: National Regulation (core)    1 AC (2 SC)   
Environmental Economics (core)                                                1.5AC (3SC)   
Introduction to Environmental Protection (core)                          1 AC (2 SC)   
Introduction to Law and Environmental Policy (core)                   1 AC (2 SC)   
Planning and Building Law (core)                                                 1.5 AC (3 SC)   
Seminar on Environmental Regulation and Policy (core)                2 AC (4 SC)   
Seminar                                                                                      2 AC (4 SC)   
Jewish jurisprudence (recognized as Jewish studies)  2 AC (4 SC)   
Elective courses (geography and law)                                            4 AC (8SC)   
Introductory courses (from the Faculty of Law)                                         4 AC (8 SC)   

  • Curriculum for students with an undergraduate degree in law:   

Approaches in Environmental Policy (core)                                 1 AC (2 SC)   
Regulation and Environment: National Regulation (core)    1 AC (2 SC)   
Environmental Economics (core)                                                1.5AC (3SC)   
Introduction to Law and Environmental Policy (core)                   1 AC (2 SC)   
Planning and Building Law (core)                                                 1.5 AC (3SC)   
Seminar on Environmental Regulation and Policy (core)                2 AC (4 SC)   
Seminar                                                                                      2 AC (4 SC)   
Jewish jurisprudence (recognized as Jewish studies)  2 AC (4 SC)   
Elective courses (geography and law)                                            5AC (10SC)   
Introductory courses (from the Department of Geography and Environment)     4 AC (8 SC)   

Students who have studied neither geography nor law must complete introductory and background courses totaling 8 AC (16 SC) from the geography department and the law department. Just like law graduates, these students must also take 5AC (10SC) credits of electives.   

 Students whose undergraduate degree is not from Bar-Ilan must take 2 AC (4 SC) credits in Jewish jurisprudence .   

  Signing up to a thesis code is required.  

Areas of specialization   

There are four areas of study:   

  1. Preservation and development of landscape and cultural assets (Track A)   

The specialization focuses on the interrelationships between planning, preservation and development.   

Credit and seminar requirements   

12 AC (24 SC) as specified below (all courses must be coordinated with the advisor):   
Practical courses –    4 AC (8 SC)   
Theoretical courses –   4 AC (8 SC)   
Elective courses – 1 AC (2 SC)   
Departmental seminar at the Land of Israel Studies department    2 AC (4 SC)   
Departmental seminar (participation mandatory) – 1 AC (2 SC)   

(We recommend reviewing the curriculum on the Bar-Ilan website as well)      

Signing up to a thesis code is required.  

  1. Management and environmental innovation in industry (Track A)     

Credit and seminar requirements   

12 AC (24 SC) as specified below (all courses must be coordinated with the advisor):   

Course in planning and environment   1 AC (2 SC)   
Seminar –    2 AC (4 SC)   
Workshop –   2 AC (4 SC)   
Courses in the area of specialization* –      4 AC (8 SC)   
Elective courses –  2 AC (4 SC)   
Departmental seminar (participation mandatory) – 1 AC (2 SC)   

(We recommend reviewing the curriculum on the Bar-Ilan website as well)   

*Management and environmental innovation in industry courses   

Signing up to a thesis code is required.    

  1. Geographic information technologies (Track A)    

Credit and seminar requirements   

12 AC (24 SC) as specified below (all courses must be coordinated with the advisor):   
Course in planning and environment – 1 AC (2 SC)   
Seminar –   2 AC (4 SC)   
Workshop –  2 AC (4 SC)   
Courses in the area of specialization* –  4 AC (8 SC)   
Elective courses –  2 AC (4 SC)   
Departmental seminar (participation mandatory) – 1 AC (2 SC)   
(We recommend reviewing the curriculum on the Bar-Ilan website as well)*Geographic information technologies courses   

Signing up to a thesis code is required.  

3. Urban planning (Track A)   

Credit and seminar requirements :   

17 AC (34 SC) as specified below (all courses must be coordinated with the advisor) :    

Core courses -8 AC (16 SC) including a compulsory seminar    

Seminar – 2 AC (4 SC)   

Workshop- 4 AC (8 SC)   

Courses in the area of specialization *-3 AC (6SC)   

(we recommend reviewing the curriculum on the Bar Ilan website   

 as well)             

Signing up to a thesis code is required.     

  1. Urban Studies (Track A) 

Credit and seminar requirements :   

14 AC (28 SC) as specified below (all courses must be coordinated with the advisor) :    

Mandatory theoretical courses - 2 AC (4 SC)  

Mandatory methodological course – 4 AC (8 SC) 

Workshop - 2 AC (4 SC)   

  1. Seminar – 2 AC (4 SC)   

Elective courses – 2 AC (4 SC)  

Colloquium (mandatory) – 1 AC (2 SC) 

Sociology thesis workshop – 1 AC (2 SC)  

  1. We recommend reviewing the curriculum on the Bar Ilan website   

  1.  as well)             

Signing up to a thesis code is required.    

Thesis guidelines   

See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter.      

Final exam for the master’s degree   

The exam is based on the thesis and its underlying bibliography.   

Language proficiency   

English at the master’s degree level (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter).   

Jewish studies   

As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).   


Research proposals are to be submitted by the end of the first year of study   

and no later than the end of the fall semester of the second year.   


Track B –  non-research track   

There are two programs of study:       

  1. Geography and environmental studies (Track B)    

Credit and seminar requirements   

18 AC (36 SC) as specified below:   

Course in planning and environment – 1 AC (2 SC)   

2 seminars from two different areas –     4 AC (8 SC)   

2 workshops from two different areas –   4 AC (8 SC)   

Graduate level elective courses in geography and environment               

(At least 5 from the area of specialization) – 8 AC (16 SC)   

Departmental seminar (participation mandatory) – 1 AC (2 SC)   

(We recommend reviewing the curriculum on the Bar-Ilan website as well)      

  1. Environmental regulation and policy – a joint program with the Faculty of Law (Track B)   

Credit and seminar requirements   

24 AC (48SC)* and prerequisite courses, as specified below:   

  • Curriculum for students with an undergraduate degree in geography:   

Approaches in Environmental Policy (core)  1 AC (2 SC)   

Regulation and Environment: National Regulation (core)    1 AC (2 SC)   

Environmental Economics (core) 1.5 AC (3SC)   

Introduction to Environmental Protection (core) 1 AC (2 SC)   

Introduction to Law and Environmental Policy (Core) 1 AC (2 SC)   

Planning and Building Law (core) 1.5 AC (3SC)   

Seminar in Environmental Regulation and Policy (Core)  2 AC (4 SC)   

Seminar   2 AC (4 SC)   

Jewish jurisprudence (recognized as Jewish studies)  2 AC (4 SC)   

Elective courses (geography and law)  7AC (14SC)   

 Completion of background courses (law)   4 AC (8 SC)   

  • Curriculum for students with an undergraduate degree in law:   

Approaches in Environmental Policy (Core)  1 AC (2 SC)   

Regulation and Environment: From National Regulation (core)    1 AC (2 SC)   

Environmental Economics (core)  1.5AC (3 SC)   

Introduction to Law and Environmental Policy (Core)   1 AC (2 SC)   

Planning and Building Law (core)   1.5 AC (3SC)   

Seminar in Environmental Regulation and Policy (Core)   2 AC (4 SC)   

Seminar   2 AC (4 SC)   

Jewish jurisprudence (recognized as Jewish studies)   2 AC (4 SC)   

Elective courses (geography and law)   8AC (16SC)   

 Introductory courses (from the Department of Geography and Environment)   4 AC (8 SC)      

Students who have studied neither geography nor law must complete basic background courses totaling 8 AC (16 SC) from the geography department and the law department. Just like law graduates, these students must also take 8 AC (16 SC) credits of electives.   

Students whose undergraduate degree is not from Bar-Ilan must take 2 AC (4 SC) credits in Jewish jurisprudence.   

Areas of specialization   

There are four areas of study:   

  1. Preservation and development of landscape and cultural assets (Track B)   

The specialization focuses on the interrelationships between planning, preservation and development.   

Credit and seminar requirements   

18 AC (36 SC) as specified below:   

Applied courses –   4 AC (8 SC)   

Theoretical courses – 5 AC (10 SC)   

Elective courses – 6 AC (12 SC)   

Departmental seminar at the Land of Israel Studies department    2 AC (4 SC)   

Departmental seminar (participation mandatory) – 1 AC (2 SC)   

(We recommend reviewing the curriculum on the Bar-Ilan website as well).    

2. Management and environmental innovation in industry (Track B)   

 Credit and seminar requirements   

18 AC (36 SC) as specified below:   

Course in planning and environment   1 AC (2 SC)   

Seminar – 4 AC (8 SC)   

Workshop –   2 AC (4 SC)   

Courses in the area of specialization* –  6 AC (12 SC)   

Elective courses –    4 AC (8 SC)   

Departmental seminar (participation mandatory) – 1 AC (2 SC)   

(We recommend reviewing the curriculum on the Bar-Ilan website as well)   

*Management and environmental innovation in industry courses.    

3. Geographic information technologies (Track B)   

 Credit and seminar requirements   

18 AC (36 SC) as specified below:   

Course in planning and environment   1 AC (2 SC)   

Seminar – 4 AC (8 SC)   

Workshop –  2 AC (4 SC)   

Courses in the area of specialization* –  6 AC (12 SC)   

Elective courses –  4 AC (8 SC)   

Departmental seminar (participation mandatory) – 1 AC (2 SC)   

(We recommend reviewing the curriculum on the Bar-Ilan website as well)   

*Geographic information technologies courses   

4. Urban planning (Track B)   

Credit and seminar requirements :   

21AC (42 SC) as specified below (all courses must be coordinated with the advisor) :    

Core courses -8 AC (16SC) including a compulsory seminar    

Seminar – 4 AC (8 SC)   

Workshop- 4 AC (8 SC)   

Courses in the area of specialization *-5 AC (10 SC)   

(we recommend reviewing the curriculum on the Bar Ilan website as well).             

*courses from the urban planning specialization   

  • 4. Urban Studies (Track B) 

Credit and seminar requirements :   

18 AC (36 SC) as specified below (all courses must be coordinated with the advisor) :    

Mandatory theoretical courses - 2 AC (4 SC)  

Mandatory methodological course – 4 AC (8 SC) 

Workshop - 2 AC (4 SC)   

Seminar – 4 AC (8 SC)   

Elective courses – 6 AC (12 SC)  

We recommend reviewing the curriculum on the Bar Ilan website   

 as well)             

Signing up to a thesis code is required.    

Language proficiency   

English at the master’s degree level (details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter).     

Jewish studies   

As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).   



Admission criteria   

Thesis-based master’s degree in geography with a minimum thesis grade of 85. Students must find an advisor to guide them throughout their studies and thesis work, even before applying to the PhD committee of the School of Graduate Studies.   

Areas of specialization   

  • “Society”   

Rural areas; urban fabric; historical geography; legal geography; political geography; economic and social geography; transportation and environment; cultural geography; geography of welfare and development; tourism; planning; preservation; Middle East; migration; settlement; society and environment; and changes in Arab settlement.   

  • “Landscape”   

Climatology; geomorphology and soils; oceanography; geology; vulcanization; hydrology; plant ecology; landscape ecology   

Multidisciplinary geographical studies   

Environmental studies; spatial dynamics; regional sciences; remote sensing; geographic information systems; human-environment interaction; geography of the land of Israel and regional geography; spatial planning – social, cultural and physical considerations.     

Required courses   

Departmental seminar (participation mandatory) – 1 AC (2 SC)   
Students must take 5 AC (10 SC), as required by advisor.   

Students must register each year in a PhD code 75-769   

Basic Jewish studies and English are compulsory as detailed in the policy document of the School of Graduate Studies.   


For further details   

 contact the department by phone at 03-5318340 or via email   
or visit the Department of Geography and Environment website    





Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025