Department of Political Studies
This page is updated for the academic year 2023-2024.
Information for the academic year 2024-2025 will be updated in the coming days.
Master's Degree
Two tracks are available:
Track A – includes research and thesis submission.
Track B – not research-based.
Thesis Prerequisite Track – Intended for direct entry into doctoral degree. For more details, visit the departmental website.
Admission requirements
Holders of a bachelor's degree from a recognized institution of higher education may apply to the master’s program.
Track A (research-based) – minimum grade point average of 86.
Track B – (non-research) – minimum grade point average of 80. For additional programs and majors, see the the departmental website.The grade cutoff may be higher in the event of high demand.
The department reserves the right to invite applicants for Track A to an admission interview, which will include a test of political knowledge and writing ability.Applicants who have not studied political science may be admitted to the master’s degree program, provided that their undergraduate degree meets the criteria specified in item A. Applicants must also meet a minimum grade of 72 in theoretical background courses.
Courses for completion of missing background in political science will be held online in the fall semester in parallel to master’s degree courses. All background political science courses must be completed in order to transition to officially enrolled student status. Because space is limited, the department does not guarantee admission to all applicants even if they meet admission requirements.
Final acceptance is under the authority of the School of Graduate Studies.
Track A – with thesis
Admission by program in coordination with the department.
Credit and seminar requirements
14 hours per week (28 credits).
Language proficiency
English at the master’s degree level and/or another modern language not taken as a bachelor’s degree requirement and as required for conducting research by approval of the chair of the departmental committee.
Research proposal
Courses 71984 Fundamentals of Scientific Research and 71887 Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods are mandatory; these courses accompany the process of developing a thesis topic and writing the thesis proposal in the first year.
Students must find a supervisor in their field of research by the end of the first academic year. Students who do not find a supervisor may be transitioned by the department to Track B for the second year.
Thesis guidelines
See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter.
Final exam for the master’s degree (thesis defense)
The exam is based on the thesis and its underlying bibliography.
Jewish studies
As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).
Research proposals must be submitted by the end of the first semester in the second academic year.
Track B – without thesis (Structured curriculum)
Admission by specialization in coordination with the department.
Credit and seminar requirements
18 hours per week (36 credits)
Jewish studies
As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter).
For further details
Contact the department by phone at 03-5318578, or by email:
Ms. Shuli Zarok, Graduate Degree coordinator.The Department of Political Studies website
Areas of specialization
Comparative politics
International relations
Government and public policy
Israeli politics
Political culture
Political thought
Jewish political thought and political institutions
Military, strategy and national security
Regional studies
Nationalism and ethnicity
Religion and politics
The European community
The Middle East
Applicants to the doctoral program must hold a research-track master’s degree in political science from a recognized institute of higher education, with a grade average of at least 86 and master’s thesis with a grade of at least 86.
As part of the admission process, candidates must find a suitable supervisor from the departmental faculty.
Doctoral applicants should contact the PhD academic advisor Prof. Jonathan Fox by email before formally submitting their application.
The departmental committee will discuss the application, and candidates who receive a positive evaluation will be invited to submit their candidacy to the School of Graduate Studies.
The department reserves the right to deny admission to students even if they meet the admission criteria.
The final decision on admission is under the authority of the School of Graduate Studies, as specified in the information handbook.
For further details
contact Ms. Shuli Zarok, Graduate Degree coordinator
by phone at 03-5318578 or via email, or visit the Department of Political Studies website
Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025