“Political Media”

This page is updated for the academic year 2023-2024.
Information for the academic year 2024-2025 will be updated in the coming days.



Two tracks are available: 
Track A – includes research and thesis submission. 

Track B –  not research-based. 

Application criteria 

Track A – research-based – requires an undergraduate grade point average of 87 from a recognized academic institution. 
Track B – requires an undergraduate grade point average of 80 from a recognized academic institution. 

  • Space is limited, so that only students with the most favorable record will be admitted. 
  • The Department is not obligated to admit all applicants who meet the minimum registration requirements indicated above. 
  • Final screening of candidates is at the discretion of the School of Communication. 
  • The final decision on admission of an applicant is under the authority of the School of Graduate Studies. 

Program framework 

  1. Students are to create their schedules from the list of courses offered by the Department of Political Science and the School of Communication, and in accordance with the guidelines and requirements of the program. 
  1. Specialization courses are held on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Course times are subject to change in accordance with scheduling constraints. 

English and Jewish studies courses may be held on other days. 


Program duration 

Students must complete their studies in research-based Track A within two years, or non-research Track B in a single calendar year (fall semester, spring semester and summer session, consecutively). 

When justified, and upon the recommendation of the head of the School of Communication and the advisor, the School of Graduate Studies may grant an extension for a third year, only for research-based Track A students, on condition that significant progress has been made in their thesis work.

Completion of missing courses 

  1. Students lacking appropriate academic background who are admitted to the master’s program in political media will need to complete missing courses. 
  1. Students without an undergraduate major in communication must take 2 AC (annual-based credits) (4 SC – semester-based credits) of an online course in communication during the first semester. 

Students without an undergraduate major in political science must take 2 AC (annual-based credits) (4 SC – semester-based credits) of an online course in political science during the first semester. 

Students must register for those background courses and complete them with an average of 80 by the end of the first year of study. 

Below is the list of background courses to be completed ** 
Background course in communication: 

Foundations of Communication: Concepts and Models 2 AC (4 SC) 

Background courses in political science: 

Introduction to Political Science 2 AC (4 SC) 

Statistics and Computer Applications 2 AC (4 SC) – for Track A only 

Research Methods and Computer Applications 2 AC (4 SC) – for Track A only 


** to be determined on an individual basis per background 


Track A – research-based track 

Credit and seminar requirements 

18 AC (36SC) as specified below: 

Required courses 

Approaches and Theories in Political Science 2 AC (4 SC) 

Approaches and Theories in Communication 2 AC (4 SC) 

Foundations of Scientific Research (1st year) 2 AC (4 SC) 

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods in Political Science (1st year) 2 AC (4 SC)      

Elective courses in communication 4 AC (8 SC) 

Elective courses in communication / political science 2 AC (4 SC) 

 Thesis 4 AC (8 SC) 

Thesis guidelines 

See School of Graduate Studies Rules and Regulations in the introductory chapter.   

Final exam for the master’s degree 

The final exam is based on the thesis and its underlying bibliography. 
The exam is oral and is held before an examination committee. 


Research proposals are to be submitted by the start of the second year of study. 


Track B –  non-research track – structured program 

Credit and seminar requirements 

18 AC (36 SC) as specified below: 

Required courses: 

Approaches and Theories in Political Science 2 AC (4 SC) 

Approaches and Theories in Communication 2 AC (4 SC) 

Elective courses in communication 6 AC (12 SC) 

Elective courses in political science 4 AC (8 SC) 

Seminar in communications 2 AC (4 SC)  

Seminar in communications 2 AC (4 SC) 


Exemption from specialization courses 

  1. Students who began but did not complete their master’s degree at a recognized academic institution or in another department at Bar-Ilan, and have taken a course within the last four years which is identical or parallel in scope and content to one of the required master’s degree courses, and obtained a minimum grade of 84, may request an exemption from the course. 
  1. The possibility of exemption due to prior courses is limited to 8 AC (16 SC) in Track B and 7 AC (14 SC) in Track A. 
  1. Requests for exemptions are to be submitted to the master’s degree advisor in the School of Communication. Authority for course exemption or conversion lies with the School of Graduate Studies. 

 Requirements, guidelines and clarifications common to all tracks 

Jewish studies 

As per general requirements for the master's degree (see introductory chapter). 

Language proficiency 

Master’s degree English requirements are for students in Track A only 
(details on placement tests, course levels and exemption eligibility criteria – see introductory chapter). 

Changes and updates to degree programs 

The curriculum presented here is based on the authorized program. 
As part of the academic effort to obtain final approval of the curriculum, there may be changes and updates to this program. 



For further details 

contact the School of Communication by phone at 03-5317060/7061 

  or by email or visit theDepartment of Political Media website 




Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025