Master’s degree requirements

Requirements in Track A – research-based track, including thesis

Students in Track A are required to conduct research. Upon completion of their research, students shall submit their final paper (thesis), which includes reporting and analysis of their research findings, and shall be tested before an examining committee. Students are required to take a minimum course load of 12 AC (annual-based credits) (24 SC – semester-based credits) through their degree. The departmental committee may add courses, by authorization of the dean of the School of Graduate Studies. The list of courses is to be determined by the departmental committee in accordance with the School of Graduate Studies policy.

Students may conduct their research outside the university with authorization of the departmental committee and the dean of the School of Graduate Studies.

Research proposal

  1. Students must submit their research proposal approved by their advisor and by the departmental committee to the School of Graduate Studies, by way of the department. The proposal must be submitted and approved by the end of the first year of study, unless the faculty or the department have determined that it may be submitted no later than the end of the first semester of the second year.
  2. Students who applied for study prior to arranging an advisor and research topic, must contact potential advisors as quickly as possible, and no later than the end of their first year of study. absence of a pre-arranged advisor shall not serve as justification for granting an extension for research proposal or thesis submission.
  3. Extensions for research proposal submission beyond the timetable shown below shall be approved in exceptional cases only, by decision of the School of Graduate Studies.

Instructions for preparing the research proposal

Final exam for the master’s degree

  1. Students appear before an examining committee appointed by the departmental committee as per the rules and regulations handbook.
  2. Students present the outcome of their research and are asked to demonstrate proficiency in all topics of their research and in supplementary material as determined by the departmental committee. The departmental committee may choose to hold a written exam on the supplementary material.
  3. Eligibility to take the exam is contingent upon completion of all requirements, including availability of all final grades for required master’s degree coursework, and registration for the academic year in which the exam is held. It is the responsibility of the departments to ascertain that the final exam is not held prior to completion of all requirements. 

Requirements for Track B – non-research track (no thesis)

The minimum yearly course load requirement in Track B is 18 AC (36 SC), including at least two seminar courses. The course list is determined by the departmental committee per policy. The departmental committee may add courses and/or a final exam by authorization of the dean of the School of Graduate Studies.

Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025