Program duration

Program duration in research-based Track A with thesis and in Track B – not research-based (no thesis) is generally two years.

In exceptional cases found to be justified and by recommendation of the departmental committee, the School of Graduate Studies may consider granting an extension for a third year, but only for students on the research-based track (with the exception of students in exact sciences, life sciences, medicine and engineering faculties).

Years are counted even if the student changed their area of specialization or research topic. Students who do not meet program duration requirements may have their study terminated.

In exceptional cases an extension may be granted. A request form for an extension of program duration  must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies together with recommendation from the departmental committee, clearly specified academic justification and relevant supporting documents. Continued study is contingent upon approval of the request by the School of Graduate Studies.

Students required to take background completion courses with a course load of over 8 AC (annual-based credits) (16 SC - semester-based credits) (and in fact took them, in the year in which they were admitted), are eligible for an additional year of study beyond two years.

Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025