Dissertation submission instructions
Dissertation submission instructions
Dissertations are to be sent (in pdf format) together with all supporting forms listed in the instructions below, to the email address of the PhD committee: phd.office@biu.ac.il
PhD students with “officially enrolled” student status who have been enrolled for at least two years, have met all their requirements and have paid their tuition as determined by Bar-Ilan University, may submit their dissertation to the School of Graduate Studies. Students submitting their dissertation for review must be registered at Bar-Ilan University at the time of submission. Students who have not registered will not be able to obtain their degree.
- Before printing the final version of the dissertation, the advisor must send the advisor review form to the School of Graduate Studies. This form serves as approval to submit the dissertation.
- With submission of the dissertation, the student must also submit the appropriate forms found under the heading: “Doctorat Dissertation” on the School of Graduate Studies website.
Students must obtain authorization, signed by the department head, that they have completed all requirements for the PhD, including English and basic Jewish studies.
- A dissertation whose topic has not been approved by the School of Graduate Studies will not be accepted.
- The dissertation shall not exceed 350 pages (not including bibliography and appendix).
- The dissertation shall include two abstracts: one in Hebrew and one in English (if the dissertation is in a third language, the dissertation must include abstracts in Hebrew, English and the third language).
Abstract length – 2-5 pages
The two abstracts are to be listed in the table of contents.
- The work should be written in keeping with accepted standards in the discipline, and should be properly edited. The entire work, including abstracts, bibliography and appendices, must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies in a format appropriate for publication as a book or in a scientific journal.
- If the dissertation has been written in English, authorization by the advisor or a language editor must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies indicating that the work is at a sufficiently high linguistic level.
Instructions for writing a dissertation:
Stage Page #
- Hebrew exterior cover page as per instructions (cardboard) unnumbered
- Hebrew interior cover page (identical to external, on paper) unnumbered
- Advisor name(s) (as per instructions) unnumbered
- Acknowledgments (not mandatory) unnumbered
Acknowledgments should be included only in the final version after review and approval of the dissertation.
- Hebrew table of contents unnumbered
- List of tables, figures, maps, charts (indicate
page numbers of tables, figures, etc.) unnumbered - List of abbreviation and acronyms unnumbered
- Hebrew abstract in Hebrew letters (א, ב, ג...)
- Dissertation body numbered
- Bibliography numbered
- Appendices numbered
On the English side (on the flip side of the work)
- English exterior cover page as per instructions (cardboard) unnumbered
- English interior cover page (identical to external, on paper) unnumbered
- Advisor name(s) in English (as per instructions) unnumbered
- English table of contents unnumbered
- English abstract in Roman numerals (i, ii, iii...)
1. Following the exterior cover page (cardboard) should be the interior cover page (on paper), identical to the exterior one.
2. The page following the interior cover page must include the name of the advisor(s) in the following format: (Note: Content which must be presented in Hebrew is shown below with the English translation in square brackets for your convenience.)
עבודה זו נעשתה בהדרכתו/ם של ד"ר/פרופ' ________________________ [This work was carried out under the supervision of Dr./Prof.__]
מן המחלקה/ות/ פקולטה/ בית הספר ל/ יחידה [from the Department / Faculty / School / Interdisciplinary Unit of ] (choose the appropriate term)
____________________________ של אוניברסיטת בר-אילן. [___ of Bar-Ilan University]
This page should not contain any other words.
The page following the interior English cover page must include the name of the advisor in English
in the following format:
This work was carried out under the supervision of
Dr. / Prof.________________
Department / Faculty / School of/ Interdisciplinary Studies Unit (choose the appropriate term) __________________, Bar-Ilan University
- The table of contents should list chapter subsections as well as the Hebrew and the English abstracts. Both a Hebrew and an English table of contents must be included.
- A list of abbreviations and acronyms must follow the table of contents.
- For a dissertation as a collection of articles, see instructions below in the chapter “Dissertation as a collection of articles”, and on the library services website in the chapter “Instructions for depositing the dissertation”, Section 3.
- The bibliography shall include all sources (books, articles, etc.) referenced in the work. Names of publication name (article name, journal name, number of first page of the article, book title, etc. and year of publication) must be included. These regulations indicate minimum requirements; specific requirements in the particular discipline must also be adhered to.
- In general, references shall be footnoted. With advisor and departmental committee chair approval, references may be printed in a separate volume or in the body of the work parenthetically.
Rules for printing and duplicating the dissertation
- The work is to be printed on quarto paper or on A4 paper with line spacing of 1.5 and wide margins (2-3 cm on each side). The bibliography, footnotes and references may be single-spaced. Font size for the bibliography should be the same as in the remainder of the work. Footnotes may be printed using a smaller font size. The work must be printed double-sided. It must be clear and legible; the Hebrew font selected should be of point size 12 or 13, font family Times New Roman, David, Arial or Narkisim. Recommended English fonts are Times New Roman or Arial.
- The initial submission may be temporarily bound in a spiral to allow for revisions if necessary, so long as it is clear and legible, and pages remain together.
- The binding must be printed as per the sample below, without images or additional words.
- If the work is submitted in two volumes (for example in the music department’s composition track, or when there is a separate volume for appendices), a Hebrew and English cover page are needed for Volume II as well, with Volume I (כרך א’) and Volume II (כרך ב’) indicated on the bindings.
- Students from the Interdisciplinary Studies Unit must indicate היחידה ללימודים בין-תחומיים, Interdisciplinary Studies Unit (respectively), on the cover pages, instead of the department name, with the particular program name indicated on the following row.
E.g. לימודי פרשנות ותרבות Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies
Upon submission of the dissertation:
- Students shall submit three copies of their dissertation to the School of Graduate Studies office. The student shall receive confirmation of dissertation submission after verification that all requirements have been fulfilled.
- Students shall submit the Declaration Form attesting that work is their own, other than guidance received from their advisor(s), and technical support, in the case of experimental research. The Personal Details Form must also be completed.*
- The Guidelines for Dissertation Submission Form must be filled and signed by the student and the advisor(s).*
- An electronic version must be submitted via flash drive, with one file containing the table of contents and abstract, and another with the entire work. This is necessary for reviewers who wish to receive the work via email.
- One copy of the Hebrew cover page, one copy of the English cover page and one copy of the page with advisor’s name in Hebrew and English must be submitted to the School of Graduate Studies office separately, in order to prepare the diploma.
- If, following the review, the School of Graduate Studies requires submission of a revised work, it shall be submitted following all the same instructions as the initial version. For light revisions only, the original submission date is retained. For heavier revisions, the document shall reflect the submission date of the revised version.
- If the dissertation and degree are approved by the School of Graduate Studies, students obtain an authorization of degree completion.
- Upon approval of the dissertation and degree, students must submit a final copy to the research advisor.
- A degree eligibility certification will be granted after all relevant parties have signed the ‘degree completion request form’ found in the In-Bar portal.
- Upon approval of the dissertation, students must submit additional copies to be sent to the National Library in Jerusalem and, for some departments, to the Henrietta Szold Institute (as specified below).
- If necessary, the departmental committee and the School of Graduate Studies may request additional copies from the student.
* All forms that must be completed and submitted to the School of Graduate Studies can be found on the School of Graduate Studies website, under the List of forms heading.
Dissertation submission and degree completion policy
A. PhD students with “officially enrolled” student status who have been registered for study for a period of no less than two years may submit their dissertation to the School of Graduate Studies.
B. Three copies of the work are to be submitted to the departmental committee, to be forwarded to the School of Graduate Studies with an authorization letter from the departmental committee stating that the student has fulfilled all requirements. Students will receive an official acknowledgment of submission. This acknowledgment does not grant the student the title of ‘Dr.’.
C. The School of Graduate Studies shall address reviewer appointment for the dissertation only after verification that the student has fulfilled all requirements (courses, seminars, languages, basic Jewish studies, registration, etc.).
D. A dissertation will not be approved if it is not on the topic that was authorized.
E. The dissertation may be submitted at any point throughout the academic year.
The School of Graduate Studies does not guarantee that the review process will be completed in the academic year in which it was submitted.
F. If the School of Graduate Studies chooses to require revisions, all requirements that apply to PhD students shall apply to that student.
If revisions are required, and as a result the review process continues into the next academic year, the student will be charged tuition for an additional academic year.
G. If the School of Graduate Studies deems the dissertation unacceptable and unrevisable, the student’s studies will be terminated. Students whose dissertation was not accepted, may reapply to the doctoral program. If admitted, they have the status of a new student.
H. Upon authorization by the School of Graduate Studies that the review process has been completed, the student shall submit several additional copies of the dissertation as follows:
Policy for depositing copies in the central library
Upon receipt of the letter from the School of Graduate Studies stating that the review process has been completed successfully, read the instructions for depositing dissertation copies in the central library carefully, and made sure the work meets all the specified guidelines. We recommend that you also read the instructions and watch instructional videos available on the library services website – Depositing theses and dissertations.
After making sure that the dissertation has been written in accordance with guidelines, send a copy of it together with the following documents to the email address for depositing theses and dissertations with the library and information services at theses.lib@biu.ac.il *:
- A pdf file of the dissertation, approved by the School of Graduate Studies.
- The “dissertation submission instructions” marked and signed by both student and advisor.
- Declaration for the library
- Accessibility approval form found on the library services website.
Upon receipt of all the above material, the library staff will contact the student. Upon approval of the file by the library, students will be sent instructions for printing the dissertation. The printed copy must be identical to the digital version approved by the library. The file approved by the library must be printed and submit to the library within a week from receiving printing instructions.
Make sure all library books borrowed from any Bar-Ilan library or any other library via inter-library transfer have been returned.
After receipt of the electronic version, the forms and the printed copy, the library shall acknowledge deposit of the dissertation in the library.
The library will send an electronic copy to the National Library in Jerusalem.
*There may be changes in instructions on how to deposit the dissertation with the library, thus it is recommended that you check the latest instructions on the library services website – Depositing theses and dissertations.
Please note the following:
- Students in the Faculty of Social Sciences must submit an additional printed copy of their dissertation to their department. This copy will be sent by the department to the Henrietta Szold Institute.
- The School of Graduate Studies may request additional copies from the student.
- It is the responsibility of the student to verify departmental requirements for depositing copies of their work to the departmental libraries, to avoid delays in preparing the doctoral diploma in time for the graduation ceremony.
Study completion and degree eligibility certification shall be given to students after dissertation approval by the School of Graduate Studies, after deposit with the libraries as specified above, and after fulfillment of all requirements.
Hebrew cover page format * (Content must be presented in Hebrew; English translation is shown in square brackets for your convenience)
_____________________________ (Title) חיבור לשם קבלת התואר "דוקטור לפילוסופיה” [A dissertation submitted for the degree of ‘doctor of philosophy’] מאת: [by] _______________________________ (Research student name, with first name before last name) שם המחלקה/פקולטה/ בית הספר ל.../ יחידה ל.... [Department/Faculty/School of.../Unit of...] (select the appropriate term) ________________________________ הוגש לסנט של אוניברסיטת בר-אילן [submitted to the senate of Bar-Ilan University] רמת גן [Ramat Gan] (Hebrew calendar month and year of date of submission to the School) |
English cover page format *:
(Work title) ___________________________________ (Research student name in English, with first name before last name) Department / Faculty / School of/ Interdisciplinary Studies Unit (choose the appropriate term) ___________________________________ Ph.D. Thesis Submitted to the Senate of Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel (Month and year of submission to the School of Graduate Studies) For example: October 2006) |
* Please note:
1. Leave the initial date of submission to the School of Graduate Studies. If heavy revisions have been made, the document shall reflect the submission date of the revised version when submitting it for re-review.
2. On the English cover page – capitalize the first letter of each word (other than prepositions).
Last Updated Date : 04/03/2025